The Awakening
could she doubt him? Her own plans with Victor swirled in her brain, should she tell Andrew? Surely if he loved her and she loved him it was all right? Andrew was going away for work on Victor’s behalf. She was going up to his cabin on Victor’s behalf. What difference was there really? Victor was their boss and they were falling in line with him, wasn’t it that simple? She took a sip of wine.
    “Okay, then. How about this? When I get back we’ll look for a place together. No more of this yours and mine shit. We need to be together. A place for us, for our children and your dogs. You keep your basement. I keep my loft but we buy a house together. Or Ours. Or we can sell both? Perhaps we could start our own property port-folio now? It’s never too soon they say. You could have an independent income stream from your apartment and leave it in your name.” He opened his brown eyes so wide Carmen thought she would fall in. Shit, he was trying so hard. “What do you say, Hon?”
    “Yes,” she agreed, coming around the table to kiss him. “That does sound like a great idea. House hunting. Something for us.”
    He kissed her back, reaching his arms around her. “And then we can set the date.”
    “Yes. A house first and then the date.” In her head Carmen could imagine house hunting going on forever. But at least she’d bought some time. Andrew would leave for South America and Australia a happy man. He’d be less likely to give into temptation knowing Carmen was waiting for him and she could have some space and be sure of herself in the relationship by the time he returned. Some time apart was exactly what they needed. She knew that, even if Andrew didn’t. Perhaps, given his ambitions and drive they were destined for a life apart? She knew she could handle that better than a life lived in each other’s pockets. “I’ll get in touch with some realtors while you’re gone. Get this ball rolling.”
    He smiled. “That’s my girl. A grand house for a grand life.”
    That night Carmen gave herself fully to Andrew. His love and passion were beyond question. This was the man she loved: her body knew it, her heart knew it. He burrowed deep inside her, smothered her with kisses, murmured her name over and over as he brought her to that peak of pleasure and ecstasy that she was beginning to know and love. He knew how to touch her, how to please her, how to love her. He was poetry in bed, an epic love song in appreciation of her body and her needs. His skill was over-whelming and called to Carmen, sweeping her away on his sonnet of sex and love.
    “Carmen, my Carmen,” Andrew moaned as he moved ever quicker inside her. “I love you so.”
    She grabbed his hair, arched her back and gave herself completely to him, squeezing her pussy down hard onto his exploding cock. She was his, all his. “Andrew, oh, oh.”
    “I love you, Carmen,” Andrew panted. “I love you. Love me too.”
    “I do. I do,” Carmen sighed as the exquisite tension in her body ebbed away. “I love you too.”
    But as she fell into a sated sleep Carmen found Victor waiting quietly in a place of stillness and peace and she knew instantly that she wanted to be in that space with him and wanted Andrew never to return from his business travels.

Chapter 6
    Victor could not believe how happy he felt as they headed out of the city towards his cabin in the mountains. He looked to where Carmen was gazing out the window of his car and felt overwhelmed by this simplest of pleasures – just being alone with her made him feel amazing. He smiled as they drove in peace, her dogs and his chumming up in the back of the Cherokee.
    AA was in Brazil and by now in the back of a jeep headed towards the heartland of Great Blizzard’s Amazon forests. It had been almost too easy to send Andrew away. Victor chuckled as he turned over the conversation with AA as he suggested they needed some guidance in the rest of the world. How quickly AA had jumped at the idea that

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