The Autobiography of a Flea
Verbouc declared himself equally anxious to revel in such tender sweets of which the description made him wild with lust, but how to carry the plot into execution was the question.

" If I ravished her without preparation, I should burst her parts, " exclaimed Father Ambrose, displaying once more his rubiconed machine, smoking yet with the unremoved evidence of his last enjoyment.

" I could not have her first. I need the excitement of a previous copulation, " objected " I should like to see the girl well ravished, " said Bella.

" I should watch the operation with delight and when Father Ambrose has rammed his big thing into her, you, Uncle, could be giving me yours to compensate me for the gift we were making in favour of the pretty Julia. "

" Yes, that would be doubly delicious. "

" What is to be done, " exclaimed Bella. " Holy Mother! how stiff your thing is again, dear Father Ambrose. "

" An idea occurs to me which gives me a violent erec-tion only to think of; put in practice it would be the acme of lust, and consequently of pleasure. "

" Let us hear, " exclaimed both at once.

" Wait a moment, " said the holy man, suffering Bella lightly to skin down the purple head of his tool and tickle the moist orifice with the tip of her tongue.

" Listen to me, " said Ambrose. " Mr. Delmont is amo-rous of Bella there. We are amorous of his daughter, and our child here, who is now sucking my weapon, would like the tender Julia to have it thrust up to her vitals, just by way of giving her wicked salacious little self an extra dose of pleasure. So far we are all agreed. Now give me your attention, and for the moment, Bella, let go my tool.

This is my plan. I know the little Julia is not insensible to her animal instincts—in fact, the little devil already feels the pricking of the flesh. A little persuasion and little mystification would do the rest. Julia will consent to have relief from those gentle pangs of canal appetite. Bella must bring her on and encourage the idea. Meanwhile Bella can lead the dear Mr. Delmont further on. She may allow him to declare himself, if he will; in fact this is necessary to the success of the plot; I must than be called in; I will suggest that Mr. Verbouc is a man above all vulgar prejudices, and that for a certain sum to be agreed upon he will surrender his beautiful and virgin niece to his impassioned embraces. "

" I hardly know about that, " commenced Bella.

" I don't see the object, " interposed Mr. Verbouc. " We shall be no nearer the attainment of our aim. "

" Wait a moment, " continued the holy man. " We are all agreed so far—now, Bella shall be sold to Mr. Delmont; he shall be allowed to take his full of her beautiful charms in secrecy, she shall not see him, nor he her—at least, not her countenance, which shall remain concealed. He will be introduced to his agreeable chamber, he will behold the body, utterly nude, of a lovely young girl, he will know it is his victim, and he will enjoy her. "

" Me! " interrupted Bella, " why all this mystery? "

Father Ambrose smiled a sickly smile.

" You will see, Bella—be patient. We want to enjoy Julia Delmont. Mr. Delmont wants to enjoy you. We can only accomplish our purpose by preventing any scandal at the same time. Mr. Delmont must be silenced, or we may suffer for our violation of his child. Now my design is that the lascivious Mr. Delmont shall violate " his own daughter " in lieu of Bella, and that having thus opened the way for us, we shall avail ourselves of the fact to satisfy our lust also. If Mr. Delmont falls into the trap, we can either allow him the knowledge of his incest and reward him with the real enjoyment of our sweet Bella, in return for the person of his daughter, or otherwise act as circum-stances may dictate. "

" Oh! I am nearly spending, " cried Mr. Verbouc; " my weapon is bursting! What a trick! What a delicious sight, " Both men rose—Bella was enveloped in their embraces—two hard and large weapons pressed

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