The Ascendancy Chronicles - The Beginning
    J. M. Alt
    J. M. Alt on Smashwords
    The Ascendancy Chronicles - The Beginning
    Copyright ©2013 by J. M. Alt
    Ascendante Press
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    This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to
persons, living or dead, or places, events, or locales is purely
coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s
imagination and used fictitiously. Readers should not attempt to
imitate or replicate any of the scenes or activities described in
this work of fiction.
    Adult Reading Material
    Explicit Sexual Content

    My whip snaked out, marking the tender skin
on her ass once more as she jerked against her bindings, moaning. I
let the whip hang loose as I stepped up to examine the welt,
running my finger over the raised skin, then sliding down between
her legs to trace the rope pulled tight through her pussy. She was
wet, excited.
    I circled her, holding my whip in one hand
while I used my finger to trace the ropes binding her body,
tormenting her. I tugged at the bindings around the base of each
tit, making sure they were tight.
    I wanted those tits to remain taut and
    I tweaked each alligator clamp biting into
the tender flesh on her nipples and elicited a deep moan from
    My fingers moved up, across the smooth
leather of the posture collar keeping her head up and tracing the
leather strap biting into her cheek, pulling the cock gag deep in
her mouth. Her eyes never left mine except to glance every once in
a while at the whip as it trailed on the floor.
    I stepped over to the wall and hit the button
to take up a little more slack on the winch. She groaned deeply
into the gag as the cable pulling her arms over her head tightened,
stretching her against the leather cuffs holding her ankles clipped
to eye bolts anchored to the floor spreading her legs uncomfortably
wide. I could see the muscles tighten in her thighs and arms as the
steel cable pulling her upward offered no mercy, stretching her
until her body was as taut as I could go without separating
    Her eyes briefly rolled up, then back down
again as she focused on me.
    My wife had a long night ahead of her
suffering for her disobedience.
    I exchanged the whip for my crop and circled
her – a predator playing with its prey – cropping each ass cheek
and the backs of her thighs. Working my way around, I began to crop
her mound, her exposed pussy lips and her engorged tits.
    Not hard. Not yet.
    I stepped back as a moan escaped her lips and
administered ten sharp swats to each ass cheek, alternating first
to the right, then left cheek and varying the times between each
swat to keep her from anticipating the smack. She jerked against
the suspension, eyes wide and groaning deeply into her gag.
    “Did you think I would let your little stunt
go unpunished?” I asked as I fondled her crotch, driving my finger
between the ropes buried in her wet pussy and finger-fucking her
swift and hard.
    She tried to focus on me, but the finger
fucking must have felt good as her eyes slid up and disappeared as
she closed them.
    I slapped her to get her attention and she
re-focused on me.
    “That’s right, my bitch. Stay with me.” I
paused, running my pussy-juice soaked fingers along her face. “I’ll
let you cum later.”
    I swatted her pussy by bringing the crop
upwards in a full swing, making sure the pad landed fully on her
engorged pussy lips.
    Hard enough

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