make his or her ideas known.
NOTES 1. "Do Terrorists Troll the Net?" by Niall McKay,, November 14, 1998. 2. McKay article, op. cit. 3. McKay article, op. cit. 4. From the Web site, South Asia Intelligence Review. 5. "The United States and the Global Coalition Against Terrorism, September�December 2001: A Chronology," 6. Address by Major General Yashwant Deva, Avsm (Retd), President Iete, on "Information Security" at India International Centre, New Delhi on April 6, 2002, p. 9. 7. Confirming this is difficult. Since this attack took place during the Clinton administration, none of the people listed would be working in the White House any longer. But a few tidbits are avail- able. Monty Haymes did video recording. Christopher Adams is the name of a reporter with the Financial Times, a British newspaper; as far as we could ascertain, there was no White House employee by this name. Debra Reid is a photographer for the Associated Press. No one named Connie Colabatistto appears to have been working in the White House; a woman by that name is (or was) married to Gene Colabatistto, who was president of Solutions at the Space Imaging com- pany, but there is no apparent connection to them being on the White House team. 8. 9. Here, too, verification is difficult to come by. However, the text quoted can be viewed at 10. "Computer Hackers Could Disable Military; System Compromised in Secret Exercise," by Bill Gertz, Washington Times, April 16, 1998. 11. "Wars of the Future... Today," by Tom Regan, Christian Science Monitor, June 24, 1999.
Chapter 3
The Texas Prison Hack I don't think there's any one thing you can say to a youngster to make them change, other than to have value in themselves, you know, and never take the short road.
-- William
wo young convicts, each doing extended time for murder, meet
on a blazing day in the concrete yard of a Texas prison and dis-
cover they share a fascination with computers. They team up and become secret hackers right under the noses of watchful guards.
All that is in the past. These days, William Butler gets into his car at 5:30 every weekday morning and begins the commute to work through clogged Houston traffic. He considers himself a very lucky man even to be alive. He's got a steady girlfriend; he drives a shiny new car. And, he adds, "I was recently rewarded with a $7,000 raise. Not bad."
Like William, his friend Danny is also settled in life and holding down a steady job doing computer work. But neither will ever forget the long, slow years paying a hard price for their actions. Strangely, the time in prison equipped them with the skills they're now making such good use of in "the free world."
Inside: Discovering Computers Prison is a shock to the newcomer. Arriving inmates are often dumped together until the unruly and violent can be sorted out -- a severe chal- lenge to those trying to live by the rules. Surrounded by people who
49 50 The Art of Intrusion
might explode at any imagined challenge, even the meek have to hang tough and stand up for themselves. William devised his own set of rules:
I basically lived how you had to live in there. I'm just 5'10" and
I was probably 255. But it wasn't just about being big, it's a
mindset that I was not a weak person and I was nobody to be
taken advantage of. I carried myself like that. Inside, if anybody
perceives any weakness, then they take advantage of it. I didn't
lie, I didn't chat about other people's business, and don't ask me
about my business because I'll tell you to get f___ed.
Danny and I both did time on tough units. You know what I'm
saying -- gladiator units, where you had to fight all the time. So
we didn't give a shit about guards or nobody. We would fight at
the drop of a hat
Varian Krylov
Violet Williams
Bailey Bradford
Clarissa Ross
Valerie K. Nelson
David Handler
Nadia Lee
Jenny Harper
Jonathan Kellerman
Rebecca Brooke, Brandy L Rivers