The Arrangement (The Blankenships Book 9)

The Arrangement (The Blankenships Book 9) by Evelyn Glass

Book: The Arrangement (The Blankenships Book 9) by Evelyn Glass Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evelyn Glass
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needed for the lightning to strike and bear her down to the ground with him as she came and came and came and came.
    When she was aware of things again—a second, or maybe a minute later—his arms were around her as he knelt on the floor, and he was gently shifting against her, not doing anything more than maintaining his erection. She pulled herself free of him, then turned to face him. “You don’t have to—” he whispered, and she put a finger over his lips as she speared herself with him.
    The sound he made had to come from his toes, from some kind of deep down secret place that drove him absolutely wild. His hands closed on her hips, though he didn’t set a rhythm for her, just gave her balance and structure. Her pussy was still clinging to him, still convulsing lazily around him, and she thought that maybe, just maybe, if she found just the right angle—
    The lights burst around her again, but this time, he followed her over the edge, wrapping his arms around her hips and up her spine to support her body as he fucked her hard, grunting his orgasm into her ear, spilling more deeply and more thoroughly than he had in weeks.
    She wasn’t sure how they got back to the bed. She wasn’t sure how they got cleaned up. She knew there was still come drying between her thighs, but she was quite sure that she could deal with it tomorrow. He slid the covers up over them and spooned her from behind, wrapping his arms high around her waist so that the one stripe from his belt that had wrapped around her left hip didn’t press against him. The flesh hadn’t broken, thankfully, but there was already a bruise forming.
    “Tell me you got the room for the whole night,” he murmured in her ear. She could hear sleep weighing on him, thick and heavy.
    “Marie insisted on it, in fact.” She wiggled against him, just enough that he gave her a tiny swat on the behind. “I absolutely expect a round 2 when we wake up in an hour. And a 3, and maybe a 4.”
    She couldn’t see his eyebrow go up, but she could feel it. “You know, I’m not as young as I used to be,” he said.
    “No, but you’re just as young as I need you to be.”
    His fingers hadn’t left her thigh after the swat. He rested where the bullet had hit her. “Does it hurt?” He asked.
    He hadn’t asked before, not like that. He sounded vulnerable, frightened of what answer she would give. “A little,” she said, unwilling to lie, but not wanting to make him feel worse than he already did. “But only if I use it for too long. Stand for hours or something. The doctor says that’ll keep getting better, and the best thing I can do is to keep using it.”
    “I wish—” He sighed. “I wish that I could wish that none of that shit happened without that meaning I’d wished you out of my life.”
    Something in her went cold and still. “Not a great trade, huh?”
    “What?” He kissed her neck. “That’s not what I’m saying. I just hate that I both lost them and gained you.” His lips moved against her skin in what she recognized as a smile. “I think if you’d met her at a different point in her life, you might have really liked my mom.”
    “Maybe,” she said, because it cost nothing to let him be right, and besides, she was tired, and sleep was stealing her away into darkness. She let it come and carry her away, hoping that he would follow her, just as he had all of these days.
    They were in this together now. She would bring him home to meet her parents, and she’d ask him to marry her again when they weren’t in a life or death situation. She had to choke back a laugh; weeks ago, he’d promised to help her find a new, more prestigious job. She was going to take him up on that.
    The first few weeks they’d known each other had been one unending nightmare, but Zoey was entirely sure that the rest of it, well even if the nightmare continued, she was sure that Alex had her, and she

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