The Arrangement 2

The Arrangement 2 by H.M. Ward Page B

Book: The Arrangement 2 by H.M. Ward Read Free Book Online
Authors: H.M. Ward
no idea what I’m talking about, and t urns me towards him. “What?” The smile reaches his eyes.
    “You know what happens when you assume, don’t you?”
    Cocking an eyebrow at me, he tilts his head and tuts , “Grade school humor? Really? Is that what this night has deteriorated into?” S e an shakes his head and sits back down, slumping back into the seat.
    I shrug my shoulders and step toward him. “It might be different if you told me what you wanted. I might want that , too.” I cross my ankles and gaze at him. Whatever plans he had for the night were blasted to bits when I walked through the door.
    Darkness drifts across Sean’s eyes, like he’s remembering something that he wants to forget. It changes his confident stance and his shoulders slump a little bit. His chest tightens along with his throat. The muscles strain as he tries not to react. I didn’t mean to do that to him. I know it‘ s from what I said. I feel horrible about it and want to take away the pain in his eyes.
    I walk toward him, not having a plan, just doing whatever feels right. “Sean,” I say softly. When he doesn’t look up, I put a hand on his shoulder . Still no reaction. I lift one leg gingerly and straddle his lap. That gets his attention. His eyes flick up to mine. A warning shoots through me, but I ignore it. There’s something dangerous about him, I can sense it.
    I’m st anding over Sean and slowly lower myself until I’m on his lap, facing him. I rest my wrists at the back of his neck and look into his eyes.
    Sean doesn’t move. He doesn’t say anyt h ing. I tangle my fingers in the curls at the base of his neck and lean in close. Heart pounding, I press my lips to his cheek. I repeat the action , and do it again and again , until I reach his neck. My stomach twists as the space between my legs grows hotter. I tilt my hips, and try to shift my weight on his lap, but Sea n stops me.
    Watching my face, Sean takes both of his hands and slips them under the hem of my dress. His hot palms run over the outsides of my thighs until they rest on the curve of my butt. S e an holds me tight, and pulls me higher onto his lap. That’s when I feel his hard length through his pants. I gasp and dig my fingers into his shoulders.
    Sean doesn’t smile. Instead, I have the Sean from downstairs, the one who’s all dark with no light in his eyes. H is fingers press into my skin and he skims the edge of my lace panties .
    Neither of us speaks. Sean watches me, always keeping his gaze on my lips as he tilts our hips making his erection rub against my thin panties. I can’t hide how much I like it. Cupping my ass, he pulls me against him and then I push back. I’m writhing in his lap, my eyes locked with his. My body aches for his touch. I’m not satisfied with his hands on my bottom. I want them on my breasts; I want them all over me; inside me. I lean my head back and rock against him. Arching my back makes my breasts press against my bra. I moan out loud, and his name slips from my mouth.
    That is the action that undoes him. Sean stands suddenly , taking me with him. “Wrap your legs around me,” he says as he stands and walks across the room.
    The spot between my legs is pressed against him as he walks us to the bed. His gaze doesn’t change. The heat in his eyes says that he’ll devour me. I wonder what he’ll do. Sean leans me back on the bed and looks down at me. “Tell me what you want,” he says , climbing onto the bed and lay ing next to me. His hand strokes my cheek.
    “You,” I say breathy, “I want to be with you.”
    Sean’s eyes slip over my body after he pushes himself up onto his side. “Tell me when to stop.”
    I nod. Apprehension shoots through my veins, but lust is boiling hotter. Sean’s hands are on me and my eyes close. My back arches into his hand, wanting to feel his touch. S e an starts at my neck , his finger slowly drawing a line down the side of my throat, across my collar bone, and between my

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