The Arrangement 2

The Arrangement 2 by H.M. Ward Page A

Book: The Arrangement 2 by H.M. Ward Read Free Book Online
Authors: H.M. Ward
my lips. When he lowers his mouth to meet mine, the thoughts rush from my mind. Like a surging river they race through , and are gone before I can blink .
    Sean’s fingers drift down to my cheek and he tilts my head to the side. My heart pounds harder in my chest. His lips are full and soft. They seek mine , applying the perfect amount of pressure and the kiss deepens. I push my body against his chest and my arms wrap around his neck. I play with the hair at the base of his neck as he kisses me, feeling the silky strands slip b e tween my fingers.
    As we kiss, a thought races through my mind, a warning. Something about kissing. It flutters through my mind, unclear. Sean licks the seam of my lips once, and then twice. My heart races harder as he does it. I’m ready to open my mouth and let him kiss me deeper. I want it. I want him. My body is charged, ready for that kiss. Every inch of me is tingling. There’s a wave of desire building inside of me and his kiss will set it free.
    His kiss. Kissing…
    “I can’t,” I say into his mouth as the memory hits me. Gasping, I pull away and turn my face.

    The kiss breaks. I can barely breathe. The rapid pace of my heart won’t slow. My hands tremble at his neck and there’s no way to hide it. I pull away from him and cold air fills the space , chilling me . “I’m sorry.”
    Sean says nothing at first. He watches me. I feel his eyes slip over my body. They take in the slight tremor, the way I wrap my arms around my middle, and the way I can’t look him in the eye. Inst ead of demanding my services, Sean slips back into his chair like he doesn’t mind. “There’s nothing to apologize for.”
    I glance at him from over my shoulder. I don’t believe him. My gaze says as much.
    S e an smiles at me. “It’s part of the package, Miss Smith. Skittish virgins are appealing.” It’s the look he gave me when my car broke down. Something about the way he gazes at me makes me feel like I’m in emotional overload.
    My face flushes and I gla n ce away. What was I thinking? I can’t do this. I can’t be with him, not when he affects me like this . The whole sex thing is a pastime to him, but to me it isn’t. I took this job because I needed the money, but even more so, I took this job because I have feelings for Sean. I like the way he makes me feel. I want to know him better. I want him to be mine.
    That’s not what this is.
    The trembling becomes more noticeable. Sean stands and walks up behind me, rubbing his hands over my arms. He presses a kiss to my temple and holds me. “Your preferences said kissing on the lips was off limits. I shouldn’t have done it. I apologize.”
    “You went straight for the only thing you couldn’t have?” I did mark that on the sheet. Kissing forms attachments. I can’t be at tached to him. You already are , a voice says inside my head. Go to hell , I answer, already knowing it ’ s true. I feel his gaze on the side of my face.
    Holding me tightly , S e an says, “It’s my nature. I’m sorry, Avery . It won’t happen again, not unless you ask me to kiss you.”
    As he speaks, his warm breath breezes past my ea r. I shiver in his arms and feel him smile. I nod. The knot in my throat makes it difficult to speak.
    Sean holds me like that for a moment and then asks, “May I ask why that particular action is off limits?”
    I feel h im breathing against my back. Sean ’s pressed his body against my back and holds me tight. “Only if I can ask what you originally wanted this weekend.” I glance at him .
    “Ah, then it seems we are at an impasse .” Those glittering blue eyes conceal his thoughts.
    I nod. Damn straight. I’m not spilling my guts if he won’t spill his.
    Sean’s voice is deep and rich. “I suspect the reason, but assumptions usually don’t turn out well.”
    “Are you calling me an ass?” The corners of my mouth tug up. Seriously? What’s with him?
    S e an laughs like he has

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