The Arranged Marriage
    “One day.” He promised with a huge
grin on his face.
    “Will you stop fretting about it my
lady? Surely you did not expect anything else?” Ison advised her as
the third door had been shut on them with only an apology to
Rohesia as it was done.
    “Oh this is ridiculous,” She said
stubbornly as she looked around her. “I am not one for being a
stickler for the rules I know, but even I don’t think that slamming
the door in the face of your Prince and Princess is
    Ison agreed, and if it had only been
him doing the visits he would have demanded their respect. But he
couldn’t do that with Rohesia present. She and her father seemed to
treat the people as if they ruled the kingdom, and until Ison found
his feet he would continue to let them. His strategies always had
him learning first and acting last, hence why he had always so
    He shook his head as he watched her
climb on to the steps of the large statue that stood in the centre
of the village. The statue that resembled the faces of the first
two kings of Centurias.
    “I relay a royal order to each and
every one of you, to come out of your homes and make your way over
to where I stand.” She shouted and waited until the people
surrounded her. Her voice had taken on a strong authoritative tone
and Ison found himself glorying in it. He watched on amazingly as
one by the one the people started to obey her request.
    Rohesia waited until she had acquired
a sufficient audience for her to carry her speech, trying hard to
turn her fury into something productive; even though she felt like
throwing the gifts right at their judging faces.
    “Thank you,” She started once enough
people had gathered. “Now I would like to request and not order
that in the future, when your Prince and Princess start knocking at
your door to bear gifts, that we are not greeted with a door shut
in our faces.”
    Claimont Stewart, an elderly man of
the village, started to speak up in the people’s
    “We meant no insult to you my lady, I
assure you, but we do not want a murderer in our midst.”
    She snatched her head around to face
Claimont but raised her chin enough so everyone could hear her
    “He is my husband, and an insult to
him is an insult to me,” She advised them with a tone that carried
across the people. “You may have heard rumours about this man
before you but I vouch as your Princess, and a friend to you all,
that I will stand against anyone to deny those rumours. I ask that
you respect that until it can be proven otherwise.”
    Ison admired her as she turned on each
and every person that questioned her support of him, yet at the
same time remained one of them
    “Now,” She continued as Ison observed
the woman who stood there, after only knowing him for a couple of
days, stand against the only truth she had ever known of him. He
was humbled as she continued to speak.
    “If I was to go through every rumour
of everyone here and believe it, I fear that there would be quite a
few discrepancies to hold against you. But as your friend I have
given you the benefit of the doubt, as at times you have given me,
and look where we now stand.” She purposely made the gesture of
stepping down into the crowd. “Prince Ison has come here with good
intentions for this kingdom and he is the most loyal and honourable
person that I know,” She smiled. “I beg of you to give him your
acceptance with a blank slate, and let him prove to you his true
self” She raised herself to full height as Claimont scoured the
crowd and finally stepped towards her. He removed his
    “You have it my lady.” He advised with
a toothless smile, knowing that he would be speaking for the rest
of the village. Rohesia did not waver.
    “I am not the one who wishes the blank
slate Claimont. I hope I already have your trust.”
    He looked very uncomfortable, and
seemed to wait for any objections before making his way over to
Ison. Even

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