The Army Of Light (Kestrel Saga)

The Army Of Light (Kestrel Saga) by Stephen Fender

Book: The Army Of Light (Kestrel Saga) by Stephen Fender Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephen Fender
He chuckled at the recollection, remembering fondly that Graves had even taken
to inventing a few new choice words to describe Shawn’s recklessness, but then
Shawn brushed the memory aside and finished deciphering the day’s weather
details. “Special Report as of thirteen-thirty local time,” he read aloud to
the empty office. “Ceiling estimated at five-thousand feet, sky clear, lower
scattered clouds at sixteen-hundred feet, visibility twenty miles; temperature
seventy-five degrees; winds northwest at five knots.”  A
perfect day to get out of trouble.   He smiled once again
at the blinds as they came to a slow halt. He gave the computer a thoughtful
glance, as if he were saying goodbye to an old friend for the last time, then
tossed it into a nearby wastebasket.  With my luck, at the end of all
this I’ll either have enough money to buy a new one or I’ll be dead.
*           *
With the loading complete, the captain called both Trent and Melissa into an
impromptu meeting inside the hangar. He took the time to remind them that the
delivery shouldn’t take long, and that he wasn’t expecting the same type of
trouble that’d occurred at Jack’s Place. Melissa had scoffed at him, saying
something about it being his own fault in the first place, and that the captain
shouldn’t be associating with known pirates to begin with.
“Well, you won’t have to worry about it, because you’re both staying right
A broad smile indicated Trent seemed perfectly content with that bit of news.
Melissa’s expression was surprisingly blank.
“Keep an eye on her while I’m gone,” Shawn said to Trent as he tilted his head
towards Melissa, then turned to leave the hangar.
Trent looked to Melissa, who, unseen by Shawn, looked to the mechanic with
a devilish smile and a wink. He shuffled his feet, suddenly feeling inadequate
for the assigned task. “Oh… I think she can look after herself just fine,
Outside the hangar, just as Shawn neared the ship, an additional shadow cast
itself across the side of the waiting transport. He turned, not entirely
surprised to see Melissa Graves standing behind him. He glared at her,
presenting a strong look of disapproval, which only seemed to strengthen her
resolve. She attempted to walk past him, but a quick sidestep brought the
captain back into her path.
“I thought I just made it perfectly clear you were staying here.”
She stepped within whispering distance, and Shawn was amazed he could hear her
hushed voice so clearly over the din of the engines. “You did. Now I’m making
it perfectly clear that I’m going whether you like it or not. I’d hate to think
you’re out there gallivanting around when there’s real work to be done.”
He folded his arms in defense. “I never gallivant, nor do I roam, meander, or
wander. Ever. Remarkably, that’s also about as often
as I take nonpaying, unwanted passengers with me on my runs.”
“My fair share, Captain, got your engines running. As far as being unwanted, I
don’t really care. Now, either you let me pass, or I’ll make you. Either way,
I’m going.”
Her determination on this matter seemed undeniable. In truth, there was a part
of Shawn that feared what she might do if he continued to say no.  Besides,
what harm could it really do?
         “Fine. You can come, but don’t touch anything… and
don’t get out of your seat. Follow those rules and everything will be just
dandy. Don’t do what I say and I’ll open the door for you personally at
two-thousand feet and show you out. Remember, no matter what you think or say,
I’m the Captain of the ship, and my decisions are final.” Something inside him,
however, told him that everything he’d just told her was, at some point, going
to be completely

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