The Army Doctor's Wedding
cuddle him."
    "Good idea." Cameron
gathered the tiny boy in his arms and walked back and forth, whispering to him
and rubbing his back. Frustration filled Alice. She desperately wanted to be
able to do that herself, but she couldn't because of her wretched cast. The
sooner it was taken off, the better.
    "I think he's hungry."
Cameron sat beside her and adjusted his grip on Sami so she could see the
baby's face. "He's sucking his fist."
    "How can he be hungry
already? He had a bottle a few minutes before we left. After each bottle, I
barely have time to change his diaper and clean up before he's ready for
another feed." Not that she had to manage alone. Cameron did more than his
share of the work. Olivia helped as well when they needed advice. She had been
    Cameron rocked Sami in his arms,
trying to distract him. "There's Sean Fabian. At least he didn't keep us
waiting long."
    At Cameron's words, Alice glanced
up and did a double take. A tall blond man strode towards them. He had a
natural air of authority. Not only that, he was good-looking and he knew it.
She could guess he was a high-ranking officer by his confident manner.
    Olivia had mentioned his nickname
was Lieutenant Colonel Fab because all the nurses were in love with him.
    "Cameron, good to see you
again." The blond officer held out a hand.
    Cameron shifted Sami into one arm
to shake. "Morning, Sean. Thanks for fitting us in so quickly."
    "Radley tells me you got
married, so this must be Mrs. Knight."
    "It's Alice," she said,
shaking his offered hand. His blue eyes were an extraordinary color, nearly
turquoise like the Mediterranean. She'd never seen eyes that color before.
    "Please call me Sean."
He glanced towards the nurse at reception. "Which consulting room am I
in?" From out of nowhere, three nurses appeared and jostled for his
    "Let me show you."
    "No, I will."
    A redhead, obviously the most
senior in rank, won out and the other two retreated.
    Cameron leaned down and put his
lips close to Alice's ear. "Radley says he has to beat them off with a
    Alice rolled her eyes and Cameron
    They followed Sean along a
corridor, the winning nurse strutting in front of them, leading the way.
    "Here you are, sir. Is there
anything else I can do for you, sir?"
    "That's all, thank
you." To his credit, he hardly gave the woman a second look, his attention
on Alice and Cameron.
    Reluctantly, the nurse turned
    "Please come in." Sean
ushered them into the consulting room and closed the door. "Do take a
    They settled themselves in comfy
chairs as he logged in on the computer and read some notes.
    "Right, according to Radley,
Sami has a left unilateral congenital interruption of the upper lip. Can you
hold him up so I can take a look?"
    Cameron lifted Sami. Sean
examined inside her baby's mouth, and the two men talked in medical jargon for
a few minutes. The gist of it seemed to be that Sami's operation would be
    "Are you happy if we have
him in next week?" Sean turned his megawatt smile on Alice.
    "Will he need to stay
    "Normally I'd say yes, but you
have Cameron and Radley on hand. If everything goes well, he can come straight
    Her breath rushed out in relief.
She had dreaded her baby spending a night in the hospital. She wanted him at
home in his bassinet beside her bed where he belonged.
    "Are you okay?" Cameron
squeezed her hand. She realized she'd zoned out and the men were waiting for
her to answer.
    "You're sure he will be all
right? There's no risk from the anesthetic or anything like that?"
    "As certain as I can be.
Nothing is ever one hundred percent safe, but this is a simple procedure. He'll
be monitored carefully at all times. You don't need to worry. You can stay with
him until he goes into surgery, and see him as soon as he comes out of
    "Can Cameron be in the OR
with you?" If she couldn't be with Sami the whole time, she wanted Cameron
there to make sure everything

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