The Army Doctor's Baby (Romance Novella)

The Army Doctor's Baby (Romance Novella) by Helen Scott Taylor

Book: The Army Doctor's Baby (Romance Novella) by Helen Scott Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen Scott Taylor
Tags: Romance
    His father's words slashed across his senses, waking him from his fantasy with a painful jolt. For a moment his mind blanked in shock, then he took in Olivia's stricken expression and Cameron's obvious embarrassment.
    This was awkward beyond words. If only he had confided in his father how he felt about Olivia. He had never liked to discuss personal matters with his parents, but maybe he should have made an exception this time. He'd had plenty of opportunity during the journey home.
    Radley gripped the back of his neck, trying to decide what to do. Tension vibrated through the family gathering. Now was not the time to confess how he felt and possibly embarrass Olivia further. He needed to speak to both her and Cameron in private first.
    Radley met Olivia's desperate gaze and longed to wrap her in his arms and tell her not to worry. Instead he satisfied himself with a quick kiss on her cheek. "Talk upstairs in a minute," he whispered and withdrew.
    His mother chatted, trying to smooth things over. His father looked on with the demeanor of a man who expected everyone to jump to it and do as they were told.
    "I think I'll take my stuff upstairs," Radley said, giving his mother's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Is Cam sleeping in my room with me?"
    "Yes, darling." Clutching at the lifeline of normality Radley had thrown, his mother rose and hurried in front of him to the hall cupboard. "Cameron, you can use the camp bed."
    For once Cameron didn't complain. He simply hoisted the folded bed and carted it up the stairs. Radley passed his mother the bag of Christmas presents he'd bought in London and followed his brother, moving ahead on the landing to open the bedroom door.
    Once in the sanctuary of his room, Radley dumped his bag on the floor and went to stare out the window. It was dark outside. Two lamps spilled pools of light, one on the terrace and the other beside the pond, highlighting the glistening cobweb of ice across the water and the sparkling frost-encrusted tree branches. A few fluffy snowflakes spiraled out of the sky and settled on the ground.
    Radley rested a hand on the window frame and pulled his thoughts together. He and his brother didn't generally discuss their feelings, but he needed to ask his brother a question. He was almost certain he knew the answer, yet he had to be sure before he said anything else. Radley glanced over his shoulder.
    Cameron had flopped onto Radley's bed and was checking his phone.
    "Do you love Olivia?" Radley said.
    Cameron's gaze jumped to him, startled. "What? No. I don't. And I'm not going to marry her, so don't you start pressuring me as well. This is the twenty-first century. Women can have babies without being married."
    Relief burned through Radley, leaving a pleasant afterglow like a gulp of double malt. "Don't worry. We'll sort it out."
    "Yeah. By telling Dad to stop living in the past."
    Radley couldn't help smiling. "Good luck with that."
    Cameron scowled.
    Radley dropped down on the edge of the bed and wondered how attached Cameron had become to George. That would be the complication. "There's an easy way to get Dad off your back. I'll marry Olivia."
    "You?" Cameron's brows knitted. "You don't even know her. Why would you—"
    "I do know her. I was here for the first six weeks of George's life."
    "You've known her for six weeks and you want to marry her?"
    "We were together 24/7."
    "Really?" Cameron sat up and eyed him curiously. "At night as well?"
    "I love her, Cam. That's all you need to know."
    Cameron chewed the corner of his lip. "That means you'll become George's stepfather."
    "I won't cut you out, Cam. You can see George whenever you want. You'll still be an important part of his life."
    Cameron flopped back on the pillow and threw an arm over his face. For long minutes he was silent and nerves churned in Radley's gut. He didn't want to steal his brother's son, but Olivia and George were a package. He loved them both. Cameron didn't.
    "Look, she'll end up

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