The Alpha's Mate
the full moon, though that was a week off. But that playful thing, his human wolf, danced underneath his skin. He pulled back and grinned, knowing his eyes shown with that hint of inhumanity present in every werewolf. Kelly didn't shrink, she returned his smile, still saying nothing, only raising a hand the caress Max's cheek.
    Max turned his face towards it, savoring the texture of the calloused fingers. Heat engulfed him, he couldn't wait to feel those fingers on him, around him. He clutched the nape of Kelly's neck and pulled her forward, capturing her lips in a harsh kiss.
    She tasted sweet, right, and Max could never remember being more turned on in his life. He licked against Kelly's lips, groaning when she parted and their tongues tangled. Max felt himself hardening, and with each delicious scrape of pressure as he and Kelly moved he felt himself catapulted up and up to higher planes of pleasure.
    Max nudged Kelly's legs apart with his knee, letting Kelly ride him as they continued to kiss. His hand grasped the bottom of Kelly's shirt, hiking it up so that he could feel her bare skin. Kelly moaned as Max trailed his fingers in light caresses over her ribs, slowly moving higher and higher until his hand brushed against her bra.
    Kelly pulled back gasping. Her hands worked at Max's shoulders, removing the jacket and revealing the gray tank top underneath. She ran her hands down Max's arms, feeling the well defined muscle, kneading at it with each slow movement. Max shivered.
    Max reached behind Kelly's back and unhooked her bra then eased his hands under the now loose cups. He took one breast in hand, balancing the perfectly shaped orb in his hand. His thump flicked over Kelly's hard nipple and Kelly moaned and kissed at his neck. Max did it again, twice in quick succession and Kelly jumped a little, grinding down hard onto Max's leg.
    Max's mouth felt too full, he kissed Kelly's neck, licking at the pulse as it jumped at his attention. He couldn't get enough of the salty sweet taste of Kelly's skin and sucked harder and harder. He felt Kelly's hand drift down and undo the button on his jeans, a hand sneaking lower until one of Kelly's fingers skimmed over the straining flesh of his erect cock.
    With the shock of the contact, Max bit down harder than he wanted and heard Kelly gasp, though this time from some mix of pleasure-pain. He tasted the smallest hint of metallic blood and reared back in shock. Already the mark was an awful reddish/purple, evidence of play gone too far. Kelly collapsed limply and Max eased her to the ground and backed away.
    This was too much, he needed to get out of here.

    Everything had been going so well until that arc of blinding pain shot through Kelly. Blinding pain mixed with explosive pleasure. She whimpered and felt all of the tension and strength leave her body and her eyes drifted closed in the last moments as Max lowered her to the ground. If she had been conscious she would have tried to ask what the hell was going on, but those thoughts vanished several minutes later when she felt someone's hand jostle her awake.
    The attractive man from earlier crouched in front of her, a little to close to her neck for her liking. Had Max really freaking bitten her? Was he a vampire or something. If she wasn't so tired Kelly would have smiled. Instead she looked blankly at the man in front of her, too tired to even worry about his intentions.
    "Are you alright?" He asked.
    Kelly raised a hand to her head, changing at the last moment to feel the wound at the base of her neck and winced when she touched the tender flesh. "Yes, I think." She braced a hand on the wall behind her and tried to summon the energy to stand. But nothing came. "Help me up?"
    He stood and offered her a hand, hauling her up and helping to stabilize her. "Maybe a little to much to drink?" He suggested, "You have a friend who can drive you home?"
    "They're all busy," she lied, realizing it would not be a good idea to tell a

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