The Alpha's Mate
through it. Before she could reach the man, he stood from his seat and met Kelly halfway. That handsome, powerful, dangerous man grabbed hold of Kelly's hand and pulled her close, his breath whispering in her ear. Breathing her in as he spoke. "I'm Max."
    Yes, yes he was. Part of Kelly wanted to bow before him in worship, but another, stronger part stood straighter as it sought this man. Heat sizzled through her, settling between her legs, igniting her whole self as she breathed in the scent of him. She took her free hand and wrapped it around Max's body. "I'm Kelly."
    Did they need anything else? As far as Kelly was concerned even the names were unnecessary. They swayed closely together, their rhythm out of sync with the fast song blasting through the speakers. But Kelly knew that the music could not penetrate the world they were creating. She fit her head into the crook of Max's neck, her hands running down his back.
    Without warning, without preamble Max closed his lips on the pulse of Kelly's throat, his tongue working over the pulse that beat double time. The fire within Kelly burned hotter and she could feel that wetness between her legs. One of Max's hands drifted lower, grasping her ass and grinding their hips together.
    Kelly lost all awareness of where they stood. She was vaguely aware of a dozen stumbling steps. And before she knew it she felt her back slammed against the brick wall in the alley behind the bar. Max pulled back, a smile on his swollen lips and a strange lightness in his brown eyes.
    Max hadn't expected it to hit him like this. He sat at The Merge as he did most nights, surrounded by pack and listening to the minutiae of their lives. Andy kept the major problem children away, the pack insulated him from the normal humans, and he enjoyed free dinner and drinks, the only price being his advice. And none of them could feel that gnawing sensation that had been eating away at him for the last year.
    Mate, mate, find a mate! It begged, leaving him waking in the night, sweating, dick hard and on the edge of orgasm. But whatever base urges spurred him on, he resisted. No mate presented herself and no one in the pack was interesting enough for him to try to force the mating.
    On and on the night went, only feeling longer for that sense that there should be someone beside him. It had never felt this insistent before and he hoped that this was not a precursor of the things to come.
    Something pricked at the senses of his wolf, sending shivers through him and raising the hairs on the back of his neck. His people noted his response as each one of them bristled in sympathy.
    And there she was. Mate, mate, find a mate! It sang through him and Max stood before he could fight the urge. The woman strode towards him, her feet so sure that even the most involved of dancers fled her path. Her blond hair flowed behind her, framing her pale skin. Blue eyes pierced him, but instead of holding him in place those frozen eyes only compelled him to move forward. Though this woman was clearly human, she moved with the grace of those more in touch with nature.
    Max moved forward to meet her, moving through his pack as if they weren't there. He grasped the woman's hand and told her his name. The woman, Kelly, returned the favor, pulling him close. They exchanged breath, grinding closer and closer together, lust and something like fate surging through them.
    Max had never felt like this for anyone before. He wanted to strip this woman bare, devour her and be devoured, own her and be owned. This woman could be everything, mate, lover, friend, and all he knew was her name.
    It was enough.
    Max maneuvered them outside to the semi-private alley behind the bar. He didn't want to share these first moments with Kelly with anyone else.
    He pushed Kelly against the wall, shoving the woman harder than he should have when playing with a human, but the passion raging through him compelled. This thing between them made it feel like the night of

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