The Adventures of Robohooker

The Adventures of Robohooker by Sally Hollister

Book: The Adventures of Robohooker by Sally Hollister Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sally Hollister
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    As the first Robohooker or artificial hooker I have been instructed to keep a log of my train ing and experiences so that my knowledge may be used to inform future Robohookers . We have been invented so that human women will no longer have to demean themselves by having to offer their bodies for monetary reward. Our existence will also lessen the effect of sexually transmitted  diseases. Despite this m any human s ex workers have complained that we will be taking bread from their mouths, but the government has promised to retrain these women and offer them jobs as librarians ’ assistants, a very worthwhile and fulfilling career .
    My training as a Robohooker began recently . My tutor is Fifi Fontainbleu, al though this is not her real name. Her real name is Ma r tha Talbot , but it is usual to adopt an appropriate alias whe n one takes up hookering as a profession. She tells me a hooker ’s name should imply sexuality as well as be memorable, hence the alliteration. I am to be known as Andi Allure , which may be attribut able to the fact that I am an android and my name was selected b y my creator , Professor Jim Frankenstone , and he is not very creative, though undoubtedly a scientific genius. I am currently still a virgin but Professor Frankenstone has insisted on being the first to have sex fun with me once I am trained as a slut. As he is the head of the lab where I was created, no one has argued with him.
    Ms Fontainbleu is a small blonde woman in her early 40s and to see her one would not believe that she had once sucked off 28 men in an afternoon though, as she says, that was when she was in her prime. She will train me in hookering in the small classroom that has been set up in the giant Robohooker lab complex.
    My base programming is already i n place as I am derived from International Robotic Corporation’s domestic maid android, model K Z88 , though I am immeasurably more attractive. I have long red hair, a pretty face, a big bust, narrow waist and long legs.  These attributes are thought to be highly desired by the human males I will be servicing. Much of the specialised programming required for domestic service has been removed from my data banks to allow space for my hooker programming. This means that I am unable to boil an egg, but Fifi tells me this is not a major problem as s he have never been expected to cook for her clients at any time in her 25 years of hookering . She is an accomplished hooker and was Strumpet of the Year in 2002 as well as placing third in the Miss Trollop competition of 2005.  Professor Frankenstone tells me she is the ideal tutor to give me the on-the-job training I will need to supplement my pre-programming on human sexuality.
    Her first lesson began with the words, “You must have on ly one goal in your work, Andi , to ma ke men spunk . Getting that hot jizz out of a man’s balls must be the be-all and end -all of your existence as a hooker . ”
    This accorded wi th my programming. My function wa s to give men a climax, but I was still a little confused.
    “But I understand that men are capable of giving themselves an orgasm by manual manipulation. Why would they pay me to give them one instead?”
    “Because the ones you give them are much better than they ones they get when they jerk themselves off, you silly.”
    “In what way are they better?  A re all climaxes not the same and only vary in intensity?”
    “It’s just a given that sex with other people is better than sex with yourself.”
    “But an individual would know what particularly pleases them, whereas another party might not.”
    “You’re just going to have to take my word on this one, Andi . Men would rather have sex with you than jerk off, just accept that.”
    I had no further argument as I found humans to be confusing creatures, lacking in logic, so I merely nodded in acceptance of her dictum.
    “Now,” she continued, “You have four basic ways of getting a

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