The Accidental Highland Hero

The Accidental Highland Hero by Terry Spear

Book: The Accidental Highland Hero by Terry Spear Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terry Spear
were on our way to aid him. So how many of their kin will no longer wield a sword?”
    “Six too few.”
    “Aye. If our horses had not been so tired, we would have finished the rest off in good order.” Chains rattled across the hall then Gunnolf said, “They stripped us naked in the inner bailey, although you were out cold. The intent was to treat us like filthy prisoners, but ‘twas more than one lassie’s eye that looked on with admiration.”

    Dougald smiled. “Then if a lassie should come to feed us or take another peek, mayhap we shall have our escape plan.”

    Chapter Six

    Eilis climbed onto the straw-filled mattress in the guest chamber but watched in the shimmering candle light while Tavia prepared herself for bed also. “You are not sleeping in here also, are you?”  She failed to conceal the surprise in her voice.
    “Aye. His Lairdship was concerned you may become unwell during the night.” Tavia gave a furtive smile. “‘Tis best if I am close by to assist you.”
    “‘Tis unnecessary.” But Eilis’s words did not sway the healer.
    Tavia combed out her long dark tresses then snuffed out the candles. Joining Eilis, Tavia sent the mattress to swaying slightly on the ropes holding it in place. “His Lairdship decides what is best for you.”
    How was Eilis to strip the linens to tie together and make a rope?  How could she light candles to see what she was doing without waking Tavia?  She ground her teeth and stared upward at the ceiling she couldn’t see for the darkness. Mayhap, she could leave the bed and dress without waking Tavia. Then she might be able to slip past the guard if he grew sleepy.
    She rolled onto her side. Served James right if his supper didn’t agree with him, and the healer wasn’t readily at his disposal.
    For hours, Eilis lay still, waiting for some sign Tavia was asleep. When she heard her softly snoring, Eilis thanked the Lord. As carefully as she could without rocking the mattress too verra much, she slipped out of bed, although the ropes creaked a wee bit.
    Her feet crunched on rushes that she normally wouldn’t have noticed, but every sound seemed to echo off the stone walls tenfold. She fumbled for her kirtle and, after several excruciating minutes, finally located it in the cave-like darkness and yanked it over her head. Then for several more minutes, she crawled around on the floor, patting it, searching for her shoes. She would have to forgo her hose and garters because she feared she would take overlong to locate them. When her fingers finally gripped the soft leather shoes, Tavia stirred.
    Eilis froze in place. Och, if she caught her now…
    Tavia shifted on the mattress. Her snoring stopped, but she didn’t raise the alarm that Eilis was not in bed.
    Praying Tavia was still asleep, Eilis slipped her shoes on then made her way to the door.  Beneath the massive oak, the light of a candle outside the chamber shone, the only reason she knew where the door was in the dark.
    But would Fergus still be standing guard?  Mayhap he had retired for the night because Tavia was sleeping with her. Or if he had not retired, mayhap he would be half asleep or sleeping fully and not notice a wee lass slip out.
    With her ear to the door, she listened for any sounds, conversation, snoring, but there was none. Taking a deep breath, she glanced at the door leading to James’s chamber. If she slipped out through his chamber, would the guard at hers see her?  But what about James?  Was he sleeping, or away from his chamber still?
    She stared at the bottom edge of the door. No candlelight shown. Yet, she couldn’t bolster her courage to go to the laird’s door.
    She opened the one leading out of her chamber. It creaked, shattering her resolve. No one came to the opening or said a word. Her spine stiffer than a taut bow, she gambled that the laird had removed the guard. Tavia was with her after all. Why make a man serve extra guard duty for naught?

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