The A Little Bit Trilogy Bundle: A Little Bit Submissive; A Little Bit Rough; A Little Bit Controlling - A BDSM Erotica Romance

The A Little Bit Trilogy Bundle: A Little Bit Submissive; A Little Bit Rough; A Little Bit Controlling - A BDSM Erotica Romance by Bebe Wilde Page A

Book: The A Little Bit Trilogy Bundle: A Little Bit Submissive; A Little Bit Rough; A Little Bit Controlling - A BDSM Erotica Romance by Bebe Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bebe Wilde
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    She gave me a tight smile as her face was overly Botoxed . “Well, thanks for coming.”
    I gave her a quick nod and ignored Kier, like I didn’t even know who he was, and walked out. He came after me, hollering something about dinner. I didn’t answer and got into my car and drove home. Then I sat on the couch and thought about him and Miranda having sex and grew angrier and angrier as I waited for him to show up. Which he finally did. Two hours later. When he got there, I was so livid, I literally jumped on him.
    “You son of a bitch,” I hissed. “Did you fuck her, too?”
    “Who?” he asked.
    “Miranda!” I yelled.
    “What?” he asked. “That old hag? No. I didn’t fuck her!”
    “If you fucked her, I will kill you,” I said, shaking from the anger. “I swear to God, I will!”
    “What is your problem?” he asked and took off his jacket and threw it across a chair.
    “You know what my problem is,” I said. “I am done with this shit.”
    He sighed. “I thought we were meeting for dinner. I went to the restaurant and waited on you. When you didn’t show, I had dinner by myself.”
    “Liar,” I said. “You fucked her, didn’t you?”
    “I didn’t,” he said. “She’s a little old for me.”
    I glared at him and watched as he sat down in one of the two wingback chairs directly across from the couch. They were covered in linen and had cost me a fortune. For some reason, it occurred to me to take them with me when I left, that I would never let him have those chairs. The thought sent a surge of panic up my spine. This was it. It was here. There would be no more ignoring the problem. It had grown out of control.
    “But I could have,” he said. “She has the hots for me.”
    “Her and every other cunt in this town,” I said.
    An eyebrow shot up. “I was wondering when this would come up. What took you so long?”
    I gritted my teeth. “How dare you? How dare you sit there and nonchalantly confirm what everyone has been telling me for years?”
    “How could you sit there and not notice for years?” he spat, getting angry. “And suddenly you get angry? Suddenly, you decide to bring it up?”
    “When was I supposed to bring it up?” I asked and stood, walking over to him and bending down to get in his face. “When you gave me some venereal disease?”
    “I always use a rubber,” he said, not skipping a beat.
    “Well, you can use them on someone else,” I said and stepped back, crossing my arms. “We’re through.”
    “We’re not through,” he said. “I’m the biggest movie star in the world.”
    “Ha!” I said, throwing my head back to laugh. “Right. And if it hadn’t been for me, you’d still be letting people take pictures of you in your underwear!”
    “Bull,” he said. “Shit.”
    That’s when I knew his ego had gotten way out of control, that it was so large there wasn’t enough room in the marriage for both of us. It had taken over the man I loved and devoured him. I’d never get him back. It was over.
    “Whatever,” I said. “But let me ask you this. Why? Why did you do it? Maybe I could have gotten over you doing this once and twice because of your fame and enormous ego. But you’ve been doing this for years, many, many times over. Why? If you wanted to have sex so bad, why not just come home and fuck me, your wife?”
    “I did fuck you, too, if you recall,” he said. “You should. You came enough.”
    I balled up my fists, wanting to really punch him.
    He stared at me and sighed with annoyance. “You ever been on a movie set?” he asked. “It’s boring! You, on the other hand, get to drive around, look at houses and have lunch! I get to sit on a set all day waiting for some asshole to tell me what to do!”
    “Oh, you have such a hard life!” I spat.
    “I didn’t say that,” he said. “I just said it was boring most of the time.”
    “It’s boring so to pass the time, you just fuck someone?”
    “Something like that,” he said

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