The 20/20 Diet
answer is
    $190 bil ion.
    I want to make you urgently aware of the fact that you are
    imprinting in your children’s minds what their relationship with food
    should resemble, and you are setting up habits for them that they
    will carry throu STREET
    gh the rest of their lives . Twenty years from now, do
    you want them to be in the same boat you are right now? Do you
    want them to struggle with their weight, suffer through bul ying, or
    even get diagnosed with a life-threatening disease? Of course not! You
    don’t let your kids sit around and smoke cigarettes all day, do you? So
    why would you feed them what amounts to poison on a daily basis?
    I BIRD
    f you teach your kids to choose a bowl of berries for dessert instead
    of an enormous ice cream sundae, that’s a pattern they will continue
    to fol ow. Your job is to prepare your child for the next level of life, so let’s not trick them into liking foods that could harm them.
    continues 
    Set the Right Goal | 65
    So while you’re changing your own decisions about food, take
    steps to get your kids on the healthy bandwagon too. I know, I
    know—taking away all the junk at once might lead to a meltdown
    of epic proportions. It’s OK to keep a few snacks in a “kid cup-
    board” that is only for them, but limit their intake to one serving
    per day. And work with them to stock the kitchen with healthy
    alternatives they’ll eat and enjoy the rest of the time. Of cou INC.
    rse, your
    kids are going to have cake and ice cream at birthday parties and
    some candy on Hal oween—I’m not suggesting you go to extremes
    here. But just like you, once healthy eating becomes the status quo,
    you’ll find that they’ll stop constantly begging for junk food and
    start craving and asking for healthier foods before you know it.
    Claim What’s Yours
    As you begin this diet, I want you to BOOKS,
    step way out of your comfort
    zone and audaciously claim what can and should be yours. Maybe you
    feel like you’ve spent your entire life focusing your attention on the
    needs of others, taking care of everybody else, and as a result, you’ve
    ended up with a list of priorities that doesn’t include your own health
    or well-being.
    I want you t STREET
    o claim your goal weight, your renewed health, and
    your brand new life right now. Know, and I mean really know, that
    you are capable of this, that you deserve it, that you’re up to this challenge (and it will be challenging at times). If you get on task about this and you make this your top priority, your weight will no longer be a
    problem. You’ve got to name it to claim it.
    66 | The 20/20 Diet
    20/20 Preparatory Exercises
    Here are some quick steps you can take to ensure that you’re all
    set and ready to start attaining your weight loss goal. These should
    take about 30 seconds each to complete:
    Environmental Audit: Perform a mental audit of al INC.
    l your
    various environments. Have you adequately transformed them
    into “no-fail” environments?
    Realistic Role Model: Think of a role model in the health/
    wellness realm you wish to emulate. Pick someone who is
    realistic and who promotes healthy philosophies. This person
    can help inspire you through your journey.
    Make a Date with the Grocer BOOKS,
    y Store: Pull out your calendar
    and schedule a trip to the grocery store to purchase the 20/20
    Foods before you begin Phase 1. Important: Go to the store
    after a meal so you’re not hungry and drooling over the junk
    Contract with Y STREET
    You have already identified someone to whom you can be accountable
    for staying on the course toward your goal. But the most important
    person to whom you are accountable is you .
    All I’m asking you to do right now is to set it in stone with the
    con BIRD
    tract found on the next page. This is a visual symbol of the com-
    mitment you are making.
    Set the Right Goal | 67
    My Commitment Contract
    I, ______________________________ (your name), commit
    to follow

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