That Infamous Pearl

That Infamous Pearl by Alicia Quigley

Book: That Infamous Pearl by Alicia Quigley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alicia Quigley
Tags: Nov. Rom
think you are lying, precisely," Rowena assured him. "It is just that
you speak in this way to so many women. I doubt you even think about your
    Alaric frowned. It
annoyed him that Rowena should presume him to be so cavalier. Had she not
shivered with pleasure in his arms only days before?
    "I never say
things I don't mean," he said firmly.
    Rowena absorbed this
information in silence. Her mind kept wandering back to that evening and the
startling sensations Alaric had evoked in her. She had thought of little else
for the past two days; her thoughts had been haunted by Alaric's green eyes and
part of her longed for more of the pleasure they promised.
    For some days now she
had been quite certain that she felt a great deal more for the Earl than he did
for her, and she was determined that he never know it. She could not bear to
see the corners of his green eyes crinkle with amusement if he realized that
she had fallen in love with him. No matter what his intentions were in
involving himself with her, she was quite certain that he did not return her
affections. But, perhaps, he did feel some sort of regard for her. She could
only hope that he spoke the truth when he said he was not using her to gain
further revenge on Malcolm.
    "In any case,"
she said quietly, "I thank you for your help, my lord. I hope that our
lack of success today has not put you off completely."
    "Certainly not. We
shall proceed. I will speak to my lawyer again today and see what other
information he may be able to unearth. There were many other servants present,
of course, and perhaps one of them is keeping a secret from us. Or I could hire
a Bow Street Runner." Alaric smiled at her reassuringly.
    "I think it
would be best to speak to some other people as well," said Rowena. "After
all, whoever committed this crime was probably not a servant. There must be
people in London today who know more about what really happened."
    Alaric stiffened. "Rowena,
I suggest that you do nothing of the sort. If the murderer is truly in London
and he hears you are searching for him, the situation could become dangerous."
    "I'm not
frightened," said Rowena blithely.
    "That is because
you do not know what you are dealing with." Alaric's tone was severe.
    "Then you will
have to tell me, won't you? But I can see no danger in speaking to Lady
Bingham, and perhaps some of Malcolm's old friends. They surely would remember
details of the events leading up to the murder."
    Alaric sighed in frustration.
"You would hear rumors and lies, Rowena, and nothing more. And they would
laugh at you."
    "As though I
cared what Society thinks. If I did, I would not be seen with you, would I?"
    "In this matter
I am trustworthy," said Alaric. "But many others are not. They would
seek to harm you, or at the very least mislead you."
    "Are you
suggesting that they would indicate you are guilty of the murder?" asked
Rowena teasingly.
    "There is that
possibility," admitted Alaric. "But there is also the chance that they
would toy with you and cause you embarrassment."
    "I am not easily
    Alaric grimaced. If
she were to begin asking questions among members of the ton , the gossips
and his enemies would be only too happy to fill her ears with tales of his own supposed
guilt, not to mention numerous other unsavory stories that had arisen over the
years. Rowena already knew far too much about his past, and he preferred she
didn't learn more.
    "I must insist
that you let me lead in this pursuit. Your stubbornness and unwillingness to be
guided by one more knowledgeable that you is becoming tiresome." His voice
was unusually grim.
    "You have no
right to give me orders, and I refuse to be told than an effort to right a
terrible wrong done to my own brother is 'tiresome'," mimicked Rowena, a
bit heatedly. "I appreciate your help in my investigation, of course, but
I must do what I think best."
    "You will be
happier if you allow me to guide you," answered Alaric, a bit

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