Tethered (A BirthRight Novel)

Tethered (A BirthRight Novel) by Brandi Leigh Hall

Book: Tethered (A BirthRight Novel) by Brandi Leigh Hall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brandi Leigh Hall
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    “Then I’m glad I could help you take the high road. Well, a little higher anyway.” I nudge her arm. “I had no idea you had that in you. You’re such a tough ass. Remind me never to get on your bad side.” We turn to each other and laugh.
    “Let’s go inside. We’ve had enough excitement for one night.” Her eyes cross the street one last time.
    Gram puts the final touches on dinner. I’m not sure what it is, but the sautéed garlic smells delicious. She’s our culinary master. We used to tell her to open up a restaurant, but she’s convinced if she has to do it every day for tons of people, the enjoyment would be lost. I guess I can see why she’d think that.
    We fill Gram in on Michael’s visit while we set the table. She doesn’t say much, but her furrowed brow speaks volumes. I’m sure she’s thinking about next week when the boys get here; what might happen when Michael learns the truth.
    Dru and Dhelia make it to the table, so we sit to feast on Gram’s yummy Seafood Fettuccini Alfredo. As everyone loads up their plates, I wonder if this might be the best time to share the news of my vision from last night.
    It’s quiet while we eat. Most likely from all the talking throughout the day. We’re discernibly spent.
    Yes, this is definitely the right time.
    “So, something interesting happened last night. I wanted to tell you earlier, but I decided to wait until everyone could focus on what I have to say.” Four pairs of eyes lock on me. “I had a vision. The most amazing vision I’ve ever had.”
    I’m already getting choked up, geez.
    Dead silence.
    They stop eating, waiting for me to continue.
    “Mom came to me.” I pause, trying to gage their reactions.
    “And? What did she say?” Dru’s mouth hangs open like a rabid dog, Alfredo sauce dripping down to his chin.
    I lean back to get more comfortable. “A lot. She wanted to reassure me everything would be okay with Pap, but she also wanted to warn me there would be very difficult things ahead for us.” I pick up my silverware and start cutting my pasta. “She said she’s watching over us, and always has been...always will be. And she knew I needed her, which is why she came to me now .” I reach for the pepper, clearing my throat as I load it on. “I asked her why she never came to me right after she died, but she said I didn’t really need her...that Aunt Morgan and I were supposed to be there for each other.”
    I scrutinize their questioning faces. Their silence. But they’re simply waiting. No sign of disbelief. Not even from Dhelia.
    “Go on, dear. Tell us what else she said.” Gram sips her coffee.
    “Well, Mom said I made the right choice in leaving, and then she yelled at me for being so hard on myself. For some reason, it was important to her that I know how strong I am, but she couldn’t explain why .” I take a drink of water, sudden cotton-mouth making it difficult to continue. “She was very mysterious, trying to reassure me and warn me at the same time.” I scan my family’s faces again. “She wants you all to know how much she loves and misses you, and she wants to make sure Pap knows she’s watching over him. She’s his Guardian Angel.”
    I regroup my thoughts, only to realize every single one of my loved ones has tear-filled eyes.
    “Oh Chloe, that is so wonderful, dear. Why didn’t you tell us first thing this morning?” Gram lays her hand across her heart, as if it’s about to burst.
    “I’m sorry. I just wasn’t sure how you’d all react. Or if you’d even believe me.”
    Gram shakes her head. “Why would we ever doubt your visions? That’s your gift, dear. They don’t lie.”
    “I know, but I’ve done my best to shut them out and ignore them for so long. I just didn’t know what to think.”
    Dhelia smacks her lips together, drawing my attention in her direction. “Well did she say anything else? Did she say anything about me or Dru?”
    Damn it. Well here goes nothing. “Do

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