Tesser: A Dragon Among Us (A Reemergence Novel)

Tesser: A Dragon Among Us (A Reemergence Novel) by Chris Philbrook

Book: Tesser: A Dragon Among Us (A Reemergence Novel) by Chris Philbrook Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Philbrook
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began to fade from view steadily and now most if not all appear to be gone. Beyond that, there is little I can offer you other than specific knowledge of how my own magical abilities have abandoned me."
    "Others have experienced the same in the past ten years?" Tesser asked.
    "It appears to be universal. All continents, all kinds of magic."
    Tesser sat back in his chair, deep in contemplation. Abe stood and left for the kitchen.
    I hope he's getting the coffee.
    While Abe was away, Mr. Doyle's courage found him. He leaned in and whispered a question to the enigmatic man at his dining table, "Who are you? Who are you really?"
    Tesser's eyes wandered the room, deep in thought. After a few awkward moments, he pointed his golden orbs at the elder wizard. "I am Tesser. Really."
    "What are you then? You're a wizard, aren't you? Some kind of foreign spell-caster I've never met before. Are you Roma? You don't have the hair or complexion for it, but that slight accent makes me wonder…"
    "Roma?" The man with the golden eyes looked confused.
    "Eastern European descent. A gypsy."
    "Ahh. I've read some about them. No, I am not a gypsy. I am…" Tesser stopped as Abe returned holding a fancy silver platter. He had several coffee cups, as well as sugar and milk.
    "Coffee, gentlemen. Sorry it took so long," Abe said as he sat the platter down.
    "Thanks, Abe," Tesser said as he picked up a cup of the strong brew.
    "Thank you, Abraham," Mr. Doyle said as he too picked up a cup. He added a slight pour of milk to the cup, as well as a single cube of sugar.  
    I love sugar cubes. Perfect doses of sweetness that are error-proof. Pity they aren't as prolific as they once were. Might help with the gluttony epidemic.
    As he stirred, he pressed the man, "Tesser, I asked you a question. What exactly are you? Who do you represent?"
    "The second question is far easier to answer.   Mr. Doyle, in short, I represent life. The persistent, clawing, slithering, growing, fucking and birthing forms of life that shall inherit this Earth long after man has evolved into something unrecognizable. I wish for the world to be in balance, and I represent one of the forces that maintain that balance."
    Mr. Doyle, utterly perplexed, sat his spoon down on a napkin and looked up at Tesser. "What group represents balance? An order of mages I've never heard of?"
    Tesser shook his head. "No, Mr. Doyle. There are no mages I can call my true peers in this regard. Only my brothers and sisters, of a kind."  
    He looks sad. And what does 'of a kind' mean?
    "Who are your brothers and sisters?" Mr. Doyle sipped his hot drink. It was good.
    Tesser sipped his own coffee, and nodded at Abe in approval. "Mr. Doyle I have six… siblings. Six equals. Six allies the birth of whom I cannot recall, as we came into existence simultaneously."
    "Seven children at once? All gifted with the skill to wield magic? That speaks of epic sorcery almost beyond reckoning. What spells brought about your family? Who are your parents? Tell me, please; I must know."
    "Magic did not exist until we were born. More specifically, until Kaula was born. My dearest Amethyst." Tesser looked down at the center of his drink. He swirled the cup with a sad expression in his eyes.
    "Wait. What did you say?" Abe interjected. "Amethyst?"
    "As my eyes are gold, her eyes are amethyst. We were close, Kaula and I." Tesser sipped his coffee again.
    They were in love. Or, at the very least, loved each other very deeply as a brother and sister might. I wonder which it is?
    "Tesser, do you know about a circle of seven stones in Germany?" Abe asked excitedly.
    "I do not know where Germany is, but I do know of a circle of seven stones. The humans of the day referred to them as the Origination Stones. One for each of my brother and sisters. Quite unique artifacts. Indestructible. We believe they pre-date our births."
    "A golden stone in that circle started to vibrate the other day. And ten years ago, one stopped vibrating. That

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