Tempting Nora

Tempting Nora by A.M. Evanston

Book: Tempting Nora by A.M. Evanston Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.M. Evanston
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    "I can't believe this," she said. "I'm hanging up. And don't you dare call me again."
    "Before you hang up, answer my question first," Gideon said.
    Question? She couldn't even remember what he'd asked.
    "What are you talking about?" She raised an eyebrow.
    "Are you busy tomorrow?" he said. "I asked you that."
    Yes, I'm very busy. I'm going to spend the day on the couch eating ice cream.
    "Why?" she asked.
    "Because I plan to follow you around," he said. "My day will be boring if I don't have the opportunity to irritate you."
    Yeah, right. She was going to deadbolt the door.
    "I'm not going anywhere tomorrow," she said. "Don't even think about following me around."
    "So you're not going somewhere?" he asked.
    "No. " How many times did she have to say it?
    "Great." He was laughing—not a good sign. "We're going on a date. I'll pick you up at two."
    "Wait a second," Nora sputtered. "I didn't…we didn't…I…"
    "You said you weren't busy," he said cheerfully.
    "You jerk," she said. "You had this planned all along."
    "Nora, Nora, Nora." He gave a happy sigh. "Of course I had this planned. Now that I understand you a little better, we're going to have a lot of fun. I'm going to sweep you off your feet and then…well, you know what happens next."
    "I'm not answering the door tomorrow," she said.
    "Sure you are." He chuckled. "You may be outspoken, but you aren't rude enough to let me stand outside all afternoon. I know you."
    "Don't come, " she said.
    "I'll be there at two," he said.
    "I said, don't come." She was so frustrated her face was hot.
    "See you tomorrow." He paused. " Honey."
    Before she could call him something that was a lot worse than honey, he ended the call. She almost threw her phone across the kitchen in irritation. Her nostrils flared as she tried to regain control of her breathing. Losing her temper wouldn't do her much good now. No, she needed to remain calm and…and…
    Oh, who was she kidding? She needed to scream—and that was exactly what she did.
    "Gideon, I hate you." She hit her head against the wall. "Hate you, hate you, hate you."
    After she'd whacked her head enough times to make herself woozy, she took deep breaths. This isn't something to get mad about , she told herself. When Gideon comes, you don't have to answer the door. It's not like he can walk through walls .
    Unfortunately, she knew she'd answer the door. The truth was she wasn't hitting her head against the wall because she was angry at Gideon. No, she was doing it because she was angry at herself. Without Gideon, she would have spent the next day being gluttonous and lonely. Now she had somebody to spend time with. That was why she wasn't going to abandon him on her doorstep when he came to see her. No, she would meet him because she was happy he'd asked her out.
    And she wasn't sure she could handle that.
    Nora sat across from Gideon in his black truck. The man drove down an abandoned road. She had no idea where they were , but she still enjoyed the break from the hustle and bustle of the city. As the man hummed under his breath, she stared out the window into the night sky. For once, the horizon wasn't covered by grey smog that the city eagerly provided. Instead the night was crystal clear. Even the moon, full and fat, glistened above them. Tonight was truly perfect.
    As she sighed, she leaned back and glanced at Gideon. The man had a smile on his face as he stared straight ahead. The lack of conversation was startling. Normally, the man yacked so much he annoyed her. He looked gorgeous tonight too. But then again, he always looked gorgeous. She just didn't choose to admit it.
    Her eyes widened in alarm. I'm checking out Gideon. This is bad. I'm not my normal self. She had to distract herself from her own thoughts. What could she do? She shot Gideon a fleeting glance. They needed to have a conversation. Gideon annoyed her so much that she'd forgot how gorgeous he was once they started fighting. 
    "Gideon," she

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