TEMPTATION - A Bad Boy Romance

TEMPTATION - A Bad Boy Romance by Gabi Moore

Book: TEMPTATION - A Bad Boy Romance by Gabi Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gabi Moore
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slow look, dripping with more sexiness than you’d think possible for anything other than a black panther.
    “I think she wants to keep her ugly dress on,” Kai said, “But later, when she goes home tonight, she’ll wish she had taken it off.”
    Who the hell was this woman anyway?
    With a deep breath that seemed to expand his already broad chest, he twisted his head to the side and received a deep, wet kiss from Kai, slipping his hand through her hair and pulling her down further into him. With a strange little thrill, I noticed that his nipples were hardening under her girlish hands.
    She drifted away and he returned his gaze to mine, something warmed and loose in his eyes that wasn’t there before.
    “Go ahead then, prove to me you’re not like every other coward journalist and do something instead of just writing about it.” He turned his torso again, giving me a full view of his crotch and angling Kai so that she came round to the front of him and seated herself on the floor at his feet.
    “You’re very angry, Miss Mack. Just look at Kai …isn’t she so beautiful? She’s not afraid to be vulnerable. She’s very submissive you know. Not my thing, personally, but look how happy it makes her,” he said teasingly to the top of her head; she replied by giggling and playfully slapping the top of his thigh.
    “Is it true, the rumor about those tar sands in Canada?” I asked, afraid of where this was going.
    “Not even remotely,” he said, fixing his gaze on Kai, who was nestling her face into his crotch.
    “Did you really inherit everything from your father?”
    “I never inherited a single cent from anyone.”
    “Is it true that you called the president a tit?”
    “Nope. I called him an asshole,” he replied, watching closely as she began to gingerly trace the outline of his cock through his pants.
    “Is it really even you in those pictures?”
    He looked at me and grinned.
    “Of course.”
    I felt a dull ache growing between my thighs. I really did want to get out of this dress. I really was too angry. And I really did want to know about him, everything about him…
    My head was spinning.
    He reached down and tenderly tucked Kai’s hair behind her ears, revealing that she was staring at him hungrily. With swift fingers, she began to pull down the zip, and he smiled peacefully down at her.
    “I have to go,” I said abruptly, jumping up from my seat. They both turned confused faces to me.
    “Don’t go,” he said to me with the same tenderness.
    I wanted to stay. I wanted Kai to unzip him and put all of him in her mouth, and I wanted to watch her coax that manly, delicious sound from him again. I wanted to see his arrogance shudder a little, and slip off. I wondered how he was when he came; whether he would lose control and grunt and clench his teeth, or whether he went soft and only whimpered, throwing back his head and giving in to pleasure. I wanted to catalogue everything this strong, healthy man’s body did, and I wanted to document its every twitch and sigh, everything that gave it pleasure.
    But another, stronger force compelled me to stand up awkwardly and before I knew it, I was racing down the same glittery halls I had walked only a few moments earlier. I tore down the swooping staircase and out of the house, heart pounding, completely disbelieving of the things I had seen in there. My head was spinning with the improbability of this whole thing, and with some amusement, I realized I was soaking wet.
    Kai was wrong about me.
    I didn’t regret not taking my dress off when they had asked me. I regretted it that very instant, when I turned back and took one last glimpse of the house, with a growing, desperate pang that I hadn’t had the guts to be in there right at that moment.

Chapter Six
    Let me tell you, nothing in this world seems so boring after such an encounter than a full 8-hour day of sitting in front of a laptop.
    Had my job always been this lackluster? I had

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