Telepathy of Hearts

Telepathy of Hearts by Eve Irving

Book: Telepathy of Hearts by Eve Irving Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Irving
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signed for, but you must await God ’s word before ye can couple with her. ”
    He let go of his grip on Eleanor. Knowing her jailor to be as fierce as Gelert, Matheus turned his attenti ons to her, bowing at the nurse maid. Matheus intended to flirt his way into her affection.
    A bone for the dog to chew on should see my passage safely.
    Broadening his smile and raising his brow, he took Goody ’s hand, kissing her knuckles and speaking sweetly as he soothed her. “Forgive my passions, dear lady. I am in your debt , for you protect my intended ’s virtue with great vigour. Please , pray let me speak with her? I wish to tell my betrothed something. ”
    Goody blushed a little. Her round cheeks turned rosy and her lips reddened.
    Eleanor let out a giggle, w hich was met by a Matheus tapping a finger to his lips, instructing her restraint and m outhing , don ’t laugh . And then he wink ed .
    Straighten ing her skirts and looking a little undone by the attentions of such a man , Goody responded. “Make it quick , and mind, no touching . ” She wagged her finger at Matheus.
    Unable to hold her humour any longer Eleanor was laughing on the stairs behind him. Matheus was seducing her nurse maid, who lashed him with her tongue. Goody was a little over four f ee t tall, and Matheus was well over six - foot. Goody was as round as she was tall, and her chins wobbled on her enormous breasts as she berated him.
    Nodding in agreement with the nursemaid ’s instruction, and turning to catch Eleanor ’s attention , he grinned at her. Taking his instruction from the “poison dwarf ” he strained to keep his face free of humour and his attentions focused as Goody continue d her chastisement as she la id out her conditions as to her Lady ’s chaperoning. “You were mighty unseemly, my Lord, carrying my Lady over your shoulder like she was common. She is wil l ful. But she knows not the ways of men. I was mighty grieved at you, my Lord. But now you are sorry. You are sorry , are you not ? ”
    Matheus nodded his head when she wanted his no and nodded enthusiastically when she required his agreement.
    â€œGoo d. Two minutes then, my Lord … two minutes . ” She wagged a fat finger at him.
    Matheus leapt over the stair rails. Eleanor stood three steps up from him. Taking her hands in his he dropped to his knee. “I find myself at your feet, my Lady. Never given the opportunity to ask for your hand, perhaps this will suffice? ”
    Eleanor blushed. She could hardly contain the grin pressing her lips. Her eyes told him everything he needed to know as they glittered with anticipation.
    â€œMarry me , Eleanor, not for fear of beating nor to please the King. But to please yourself. For as God ’s my witness, I could not let you go to your chambers until I told you Eleanor …wife …i t ’s your haughty heart, that ’s what I love the most about you. ”
    She touched her chest, and Matheus knew she felt for the outline of her heart
    See Eleanor. I told you there is telepathy of hearts.
    As she climbed the stairs he shouted after her, “Oh , and my Lady …you ride with me or Godwin on the morrow. Can ’t have you getting lost. ”

Chapter 7

    C limbing the stairs, El eanor turned to look at Matheus o ne last time before she took the corner. Glances were exchanged and silent goodnights were given.
    The lock of troublesome hair fell forward, stuck onto her moistened lips. She raised her hand to brush it away, and her heart quickened as she reflected on the touch of his fingers when he had smoothed it away. Quite caught up in her sensual reflections , she walked straight into Godwin.
    â€œMy Lady, are you quite well? ” he asked.
    Before she could reply Goody jumped in. “ ’Tis your Lord comes fli rting and flattering and well …n ot right …not a half a day since past he had my Lady upon his back like a sack of corn.

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