her arms at her side as he pulled her into a bear hug. At the same time, he cooed down to her, “You’re going to like being a baby girl. And hey, if you can prove to me you’ve grown up, I’ll let you come back to class. Maybe you’ll start out as my assistant, you know a little mascot. You’ll be dressed so cute in your diapers and frilly dresses. And I’m sure some of my female students would be willing to babysit you if you get fussy.”
Tara couldn’t believe it. But when she pulled back just enough to peer up at her teacher’s face, she saw he meant it. The thought of those indignities made it impossible to think. Tara simply couldn’t comprehend how it would feel to have all of those eyes on her.
“Now, you’ve dropped your pacifier. Pick it up and suck on it like a good girl.”
Tara gulped and defied him. If she didn’t do it then, she didn’t know if she would have the strength to try again later. “No. I won’t do it.”
“I understand,” he told her and hefted her back to her feet. Before she knew it, he had forced her down against the changing table.
James bent her over and paused. He wanted her situation to sink in a bit. “You’re being a very bad girl, so you’re going to get spanked. Understand?” When she didn’t respond, he chuckled a bit. She was very cute, but he was going to enjoy training her, especially now that she had decided to be defiant. He doubted it would take more than a couple hours to teach her where she belonged.
His hand came down with a sharp clap against the back of her thigh. He had swatted her diaper to get her attention, but that kind of treatment only got her attention. These smacks were going to make her skin red enough to match her cheeks.
“When you’re ready to continue our training tonight, you’ll beg for your pacifier. And then I’ll allow you to crawl over and to take it in your mouth, but as you do, you won’t use your hands. I don’t think a baby girl like you has that sort of dexterity.”
Tara’s nostrils flared at the idea, and she doubled resolve. She had to be determined and strong. And yet, a small voice niggled at the back of her thoughts. If he had her there legally and could restrain her, wouldn’t it just be a matter of time before she had to give in?
After all, he could spank her a lot longer than she could be spanked.
Defying even those notions of common sense, Tara gripped the changing table’s pads and waited for the next round of spanking. She didn’t have to wait long. His hand crashed down on the curve of her thigh again. She flinched with each strike as the pain built up. Struggling to hold onto whatever self-respect she had left, Tara bit down to keep from crying out.
Then, all at once, it stopped. He reached over and petted her. “Do you have something to say, baby girl?” He pulled her around to face him. He was close and seemed even more powerful. The intimidation he could bring as her professor increased a hundredfold.
Tara had to swallow again. Her mouth had gone dry as though her last bits of dignity made this the most difficult part, but she managed to speak, “Yes, Sir.”
“And what would you like to say?”
He wanted her to beg for her pacifier. She knew it and was horrified to feel the words bubble up to the center of her consciousness. She could do it, and it would be too easy. Even now, her lower lip shook a tiny bit as she confronted this man—this big and powerful man, this man who seemed to control her with so little effort. Tara didn’t want to be a baby girl, but maybe her desires didn’t matter.
She moistened her lips but couldn’t wait any longer. If she hesitated further, then she would be spanked again. “Please, Sir, please let me have my pacifier! Please, I’ll be a good baby, and I’m sorry I misbehaved, but I’ll be good now.”
“Who do you belong to?”
She couldn’t believe he had been so blunt, but maybe he wanted her to admit the truth. Tara bowed her head, “I
Cara Adams
Lyn Hamilton
Patricia Veryan
Fletcher Best
Alice Duncan
A.M. Hargrove, Terri E. Laine
Mark McCann
Dalton Cortner
T. S. Joyce