Tapestries 04 - Threads of Destiny

Tapestries 04 - Threads of Destiny by N. J. Walters

Book: Tapestries 04 - Threads of Destiny by N. J. Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: N. J. Walters
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a glass of the cider and sipped as she examined the food. There was a thick loaf of dark, crusty bread, some pale yellow cheese, some apples and what appeared to be some sort of cold meat. Ignoring the meat, she broke off a section of bread and slapped a piece of the cheese on it. Biting off a corner, she began to chew.
    Flavor exploded in her mouth. This was good. She munched happily, taking the occasional sip of the cider as she ordered her thoughts. She had no idea where Marc was or when he’d left her. Part of her was glad for a few moments to herself but another part of her was disappointed he hadn’t been beside her when she woke.
    Finishing off the slice of bread and cheese, she licked her fingers and stared longingly at the table. She’d take another slice with her. Right now, she needed to find her clothing and to check on Tienan and Logan. Then they needed to figure out what the heck they were going to do about their situation. If the information in the book was correct, the tapestry should reappear sometime tomorrow to take them home.
    Taking a final sip of the sweet cider, she put the glass aside and padded toward the door in the corner. She hoped her clothing was still in the bathing room. The tub was empty but there was a basin of water on a stand in the corner and the water was still warm. Dropping her fur, she washed and dried her body quickly, using the soap and cloth she found next to the basin.
    Her bra and panties were draped across a wooden rod. They were damp to the touch but not too bad. Someone had obviously washed them and hung them to dry. She wasn’t sure she liked the idea of some stranger touching her underwear but she was too glad for clean clothing to worry about it. She slipped them on, shivering slightly at the cold dampness. It was better than running around half naked.
    Her shoes were there but her socks were missing. There was also no sign of her pants but there was a robe on a hook by the door. She slipped it on. The dark green fabric was soft against her skin but the hem pooled around her feet. It was obviously meant for a much taller and bigger person. Marc?
    She ignored the warm glow that started low in her stomach as she knotted the belt around her waist. It would do for now. She thought about slipping on her shoes but didn’t want to wear them without her socks. Glancing around, she found a wooden comb and worked the tangles out of her hair before braiding it. She looked around for something to tie the ends but came up empty handed.
    Shuffling back to the bedroom, she figured she’d look there. Maybe there was something in the trunk that would do. The first thing she noticed was her purse tucked away by the head of the bed. She’d missed it when she’d rolled out of bed. Hurrying forward, she picked it up, upending everything onto the bed. Several elastics tumbled 54
    out and she grabbed one and twisted it around the end of her hair to hold her braid together.
    Her sewing kit and small makeup bag were there, along with her wallet, a pack of tissues, her key cards, work ID card, a half eaten chocolate bar and some loose change.
    Unzipping the makeup bag, she ignored the tweezers, which had been cleaned, and pulled out her small bottle of moisturizer and her lip balm. That was the extent of her makeup.
    Pouring some of the lotion onto her fingers, she rubbed it over her face before capping the bottle and shoving everything back into her bag. Nothing there for her to wear. Tucking the bag back where she’d found it, she then went to the trunk at the end of the bed and opened it. She’d barely started rummaging around when a knock came on the door.
    Holding the lapels of the robe together, she walked slowly to the door. “Yes?” The handle turned and the door opened and Christina stuck her head in through the opening. “Are you up for a visitor?”
    Kathryn knew she had to deal with the reality of the situation. Seemed as if her reprieve was over. Besides, she was interested

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