Taming Johnny

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Book: Taming Johnny by Kaylie Newell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaylie Newell
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natural. He was able to connect to people in the service, where he hadn’t been able to in school. He met a lot of like-minded guys who wanted to be career, like he did.” Jake seemed far away as he looked over Emma’s shoulder to the pictures on the wall. “It was a blessing for a while. But it didn’t last.”
    Emma rubbed her arms where goose bumps had sprouted, but she wasn’t cold. “What happened?”
    Reaching around, he retrieved a small photo album from a bookcase in the corner. He opened it and flipped through to a few pictures in the middle and handed it over. “See the guy on the right?”
    It was a photo of Johnny and three other men in fatigues. They all wore their haircuts in the signature “high and tight” style of the military. They looked official, formidable. But they also looked relaxed and happy. She didn’t think she’d ever seen Johnny smile like that before. They were all grinning, Johnny holding a football in one arm, his other around the man on the right.
    “Who’s that?” she asked.
    “Toby. They were really close, best friends. Toby was older and kind of took Johnny under his wing. He was a family man. Married with a little boy at the time, and I think he probably saw that Johnny needed someone. That his tough guy routine was a bunch of bullshit.”
    Emma could tell there had been a bond there. It came across in the picture just as clear and sharp as the desert sun in the background.
    “Johnny looked up to him,” Jake said. “Actually, it was more than that. I think he saw a glimpse of a life he wanted someday. I think he wanted to be like Toby.” Jake leaned against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. “Yeah, the Army was good for a while. Started healing those wounds that we couldn’t, no matter how hard we tried. And we’d tried really hard.”
    Emma looked at the photo one more time, committing it to memory. She didn’t want to forget what that smile looked like. Closing the album, she slid it gently back on the shelf. “Something happened, didn’t it?”
    Jake nodded.
    Emma waited, wanting to know and not wanting to know at the same time. She felt something soft rub against her ankles and looked down to see Napoleon weave himself between her legs. Even the friendly little cat couldn’t lift the heaviness from her heart.
    “It was a routine mission,” Jake said. “The helicopter they were in was shot down. Johnny was the only survivor. He pulled Toby’s body free and that’s how they found him. He wouldn’t let him go.”
    “My God.”
    “That was the end of the Army for Johnny. He was injured. Almost lost his right eye. He came home to bury Toby and recover. His body eventually did, but his mind didn’t. He retired from the Army, became a cop, and withdrew further and further into himself. It’ll always be a part of who he is. Every year on the anniversary of the crash, he sends Toby’s kids a gift.” Jake smiled wearily. “He doesn’t think I know, but I do.”
    Emma felt the sting of tears. All those times she’d called Johnny a name under her breath. All those times she saw her co-workers glare at him as he walked away. They didn’t know what kind of man he really was. A son, a cousin, a friend.
    Jake gave her shoulder a brotherly pat. “So before you go giving up on him, I just wanted to you to know. There’s a reason he is the way he is. There was a time when he was better. I think he could be again. But he needs someone who understands. He needs someone who will give him time.”
    Emma smiled and swallowed the uncomfortable lump in her throat. So Johnny Street had a heart. That wasn’t a surprise. Deep down, she’d known all along. The question was, how was she going to reach it?
    * * * *
    Emma looked over at Johnny. It was dark outside, the highway seeming to stretch endlessly before them. He hadn’t said a word since they’d gotten in the truck.
    She cleared her throat and it sounded loud and out of place in the uneasy silence.

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