Taken by the Earl (Regency Unlaced 3)

Taken by the Earl (Regency Unlaced 3) by Carole Mortimer

Book: Taken by the Earl (Regency Unlaced 3) by Carole Mortimer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carole Mortimer
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impatiently. “I believe you are enjoying the idea far too much.”
    Her cheeks flushed. “I have never had a man feel jealous over me before.”
    “Not even your husband?”
    “Stephen had no reason to ever feel jealous.”
    “You mean you did not deliberately flirt with other gentlemen in his presence?”
    “Well, you will not do it again in mine either,” Sin assured her. “We are leaving here this morning. And your spanking and sore ass are only delayed until we reach Scotland,” he warned as he stood to place her on her feet. “It would be a long and uncomfortable ride for you if I were to administer your punishment now.”
    “Punishment for what? All I have tried to do is save you from an assassin— Scotland…?” she repeated as she obviously realized what he had said. “I cannot go to Scotland with you. Why would I? It is a preposterous suggestion—”
    “Oh, it is not a suggestion, Fliss,” Sin said mildly. “We are going to my home in Scotland together, in my coach. Your own carriage can return to London or your country estate, whichever you choose. It will be safer for both of us if we are out of England until I have discovered why someone wants me dead.”
    “And how do you propose to do that?”
    “I intend to send word to London and engage the services of Viscount Brooketon to look into the matter.”
    “Lord Brooketon? Why on earth would the heir to the Earl of Stonewell wish to do such a thing?”
    “Because, my dear Fliss”—he tapped her playfully on the nose—“he fancies himself as being something of an amateur detective.”
    “How do you know that?” She did not know Brooketon personally, that gentleman running with a far more sophisticated crowd than she was used to, but she did not recall ever having heard that said about him.
    “We sparred together in the ring several times during my brief stay in London,” Sin answered her.
    “A boxing ring?”
    He arched dark brows. “I do believe you are trying to change the subject.”
    “I am merely trying to make sense of this conversation.” Although it did not take too much imagination for Fliss to see Sin stripped to the waist, his huge chest and shoulders bare and glistening with sweat as he sparred in a boxing ring with the rakishly handsome Viscount Brooketon.
    “The only thing you need to remember is that when we get to Scotland, I am going to put you over my knee and spank your bare ass so that you cannot walk or sit down without remembering why it was administered,” he reminded her with relish.
    “That will not be at all difficult when I do not know why it will be administered!” Fliss glared at him. The man really was a barbarian if he thought for one moment she would agree to go to Scotland with him, let alone allow him to—to— “Why?”
    “For coming to Eckles Manor in the first place, and deliberately putting yourself in danger.” He ticked off one finger. “For deliberately flirting with several unsavory gentlemen after I told you to stay in your bedchamber.” He ticked off another finger. “For playing blindman’s bluff when I specifically instructed you not to.” He ticked off a third finger. “And lastly, because I believe I should enjoy it very much.” He ticked off the last finger.
    Fliss had a feeling she might enjoy it too.
    Too much.  
    Her breasts ached, her nipples were swollen, and her nether lips were slick with her juices from only imagining having one of those large hands spanking her bare bottom until the skin was red and glowing. “What happens after you have spanked me?”
    He stepped closer. “Why then I believe I will have to apply a soothing balm to ensure the skin does not…bruise.”
    Fliss moistened her lips. “And after that?”
    Sin smiled. “After that, I intend to spread your legs wide, eat your hot, wet pussy, and make you come until you scream for mercy.”
    Oh dear Lord.. .

Chapter 11
    “That is not a house, it is a castle,” Fliss exclaimed with her

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