Take Me On

Take Me On by Katie McGarry

Book: Take Me On by Katie McGarry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie McGarry
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she’s grown roots and planted her feet into the ground.
    “Sounds like it was an unfair fight,” says Matt. “My brother being chivalrous and helping out Haley after she fell and then you jumping him from behind. It’s easy to take down a guy when he doesn’t know you’re coming. An apology isn’t enough.”
    “It’s enough,” Haley pleads. “Please, Matt, let it go.”
    Matt mimics the crazy grin his insane brother had right before he knocked me out. “Do you know the lies your
tried telling me before you showed? Listening to Haley beg for you makes me wonder if you can actually take a hit.”
    I rub my chin, release Haley and step into Matt. Chairs crack and squeak against the floor as his boys bolt to their feet. Matt stops them with one raised finger. “Got something to say?”
    “Yeah. Thought you should know I got expelled from my last school for fighting. I got no problems taking hits.”
    “Then prove it.”
    “Take the swing, asshole.” I’m not going to be accused of jumping a man from behind.
    The air hums with pissed-off energy. Matt shoves his chest out, arms poised to come up, then a guy says, “Principal.”
    Matt backs off and I follow his lead. Some old man in a gray suit watches us as he heads for the food line.
    “New boy,” says Matt. “We don’t fight in school, but the moment the bell rings, your ass is mine.”
    Haley angles to become a human shield in front of me. “No.”
    “Haley.” My blood boils that she’s begging this bastard for anything. Does she honestly think I’m that weak? “I got this.”
    “Listen to her, Matt,” Conner butts in.
    “What?” Matt asks.
    “One of us should fight him in the cage. You know, make it public humiliation. Best man wins and all that shit.”
    Haley tunnels her fingers into her hair and clutches it as if to yank it out. “He’s not a fighter. It won’t be fair.”
    “I can fight,” I snap, but not one of them acknowledges me.
    “If he can’t take the hits, then he shouldn’t have messed with one of us,” says Matt.
    “Matthew.” The pure desperation in her tone causes everyone to freeze. “I swear to you he didn’t know.”
    The looks, the stares. All of them doubting me because Haley’s basically signed in blood that I’m incapable of holding my own. I’ve got four months in this school and I’ll be damned if she’ll be protecting me the entire time. “Name the day and time.”
    Conner motions to Matt with his sprained hand as if deciding whether to have cheese on a burger. “The tournament in two months. I get the hand healed and then the two of us go at it.”
    Matt nods. “All right. Are you in, New Boy, or are you chickenshit?”
    I smile. An adrenaline rush floods my veins. This is possibly the craziest and the most alive I’ve felt in years. “Looking forward to it.”
    The bell rings, ending lunch. Matt and his pack of wolves leave the table.
    Haley closes her eyes and lowers her head into her hands. Not the reaction I hoped for.

    I’m second bus run. When we lived in our old house, my home, I was first. That was back when things were simpler. Back before I started dating Matt and when Jax, Kaden and I weren’t at each other’s throats. Back when they could at least look at me...unlike now. Today, when they left to hop the city bus to train at the gym, they didn’t even mumble goodbye.
    I sit away from everyone else. After my breakup with Matt, I can honestly say I don’t mind being alone. His version of attention left scars. I suck in a deep breath, missing the relationship I had with Jax and Kaden. Even worse? I miss who I used to be.
    Both my knees bounce as I wait on the bench outside the loading dock. Blowing warm air onto my hands no longer helps. They’re frozen for good. We go so many days without seeing the sun during the winter it’s easy to believe it no longer exists.
    My heart stalls at the sound of West’s voice. Dear God, is he always so

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