Take Me
Chapter One
    I scowled at the raindrops pounding against
the concourse window. The thunder growled in return. With the
hidden sun setting, the sky shifted from angry blue-gray to
charcoal. I’d scheduled my flight a day early to avoid arriving
wrinkled and frumpy at tomorrow’s interview.
    Instead, I was trapped in Atlanta. My flight
out of Logan had been delayed thanks to the early morning snowfall
in Boston, and I’d missed my connection to Florida. But with this
storm, Mother Nature seemed determined to screw me out of my backup
flight. If I wanted to be the CEO who would take Radcliffe Software
global, I had to be in Tampa.
    The fine hairs on the back of my neck rose,
and my scalp tingled in a way that had nothing to do with the
impressive electrical display outside. The other passenger waiting
in the airline’s Gold Club suite was staring at my ass again.
    I had to give him credit. He was a little
more subtle about checking me out than most men.
    And it wasn’t like I hadn’t examined him in
return as he pleasantly, but insistently, discussed the
possibilities of our plane taking off before tomorrow morning with
the concierge.
    I estimated him to be in his mid- to
late-forties, but he kept himself fit from the way his trousers
hugged his ass. His full head of salt-and-pepper hair would be a
distinguished silver within the next decade. He had one of those
faces that grew into its masculinity as he aged. I suspected he’d
been too pretty in his twenties for my taste. But now…
    I turned around to test my memory against
reality. At least, he would give me a pleasant image to use in the
shower later. Assuming we didn’t drown in Atlanta tonight.
    His polite smile crinkled the corners of his
eyes. The dark frames he’d donned to review the paperwork he held
emphasized his pale blue irises. “Doesn’t look like it’s letting up
anytime soon.”
    “No.” I reached into my bag and pulled out my
phone. A couple of swipes revealed a swirl of red, yellow and green
on the weather radar. “Great. There’s a high-pressure system
sitting on the coast, holding this front in place. They expect
another couple inches of rain over the next three hours.”
    His low chuckle sent tingles from my head to
places that hadn’t tingled in years. After the disaster of my
marriage, I had begun to wonder if I’d ever feel sexual attraction
    He closed the folder and slid it into his
carry-on. “It doesn’t look like I’m getting home tonight.”
    “They haven’t started cancelling yet.” But as
I gestured at the flight numbers displayed on the board behind the
concierge’s podium, the first bright red “CANCELLED” replaced
“DELAYED” on the screen. “Well, crap.”
    He stood and stalked over to the concierge,
who tried very hard not to shrink under his looming presence. “Can
we save some time, and you arrange for my hotel room now?”
    “I can’t until they cancel your flight to
Tampa, sir,” she squeaked.
    I had to give him credit. Most travelers
would have launched into a blistering tirade even though the poor
girl couldn’t control the airlines, much less the weather. Instead,
he took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose.
    “So you’re on the same flight as me?” I
    The concierge shot me a grateful look, but my
question was for my own benefit. I pursued the job in Tampa because
I desperately needed to take some chances in my stalled career.
    I knew I needed to take chances in other
areas of my life as well. I hadn’t dated since the divorce, much
less had a man between my legs in six years. He wasn’t wearing a
wedding ring. There was no telltale line on his fourth finger. And
I really wanted him to seduce me, or think that he was.
    I wanted to fuck him.
    No, I wanted to feel alive again.
    “246 to Tampa Bay that was supposed to leave
an hour ago?” His polite smile was back, but this time it had an
assessing quality.
    Heat seeped into my pussy. I struggled to
keep my

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