Take a Chance
    “Huh, I though t that’s how chili was served.”
    “Well , I’ll try it your way, just for you.”
    “Thanks, I promise you will love it this way and never go back to eating it plain again.” Soon everything is pulled together, dishing out noodles, then chili on top with a sprinkle of cheddar cheese and a dollop of sour cream. As we get comfortable on the couch, I eye Asher to see his reaction to my chili.
    “Well it’s definitely different, I’ll gi ve you that. The chili is great, but I don’t think I’m sold on the noodles.”
    “Really, well you won’t find me eating it any other way. To each his own, I guess.”
    After finishing din ner Asher took all the dishes into the kitchen and loaded up the dishwasher. He comes back and sits next to me on the couch.
    “Well it’s getting late, I should go.”
    “Oh, alright,” I say, feeling sad that he’s leaving.
    “Hey , what’s wrong?” He tilts my chin so I’m looking in the eyes. “You feel alright?”
    “Yes, it’s nothing like that . I was just feeling sad that you were leaving. Asher this might be forward of me and I don’t want you to get the wrong idea here. You know I’m not ready to move our relationship to the next level just yet, but do you think you could stay here with me tonight?”
    “Sure, I can sleep on the couch if you need me to stay with you.”
    “I was kind of hoping you would sleep with me in my bed, and just hold me. I really don’t want to be alone tonight. If you don’t want to I totally understand, and I’m completely fine with whatever decision you make.”
    “I would love that , and I promise to be the perfect gentleman and keep my hands to myself.”
    “Are you sure you don’t mind? I just really don’t want to be alone tonight.”
    “I’m sure . I don’t want to be anyplace else.”
    I take his hand and lead him upstairs. Lucy runs ahead of us and jumps on the bed. She does a few twirls and plants herself in the center of the bed.
    “I’m just going to get my pajamas and change in the bathroom. I’ll be right back. ”
    After brushing my teeth , I take a deep breath and head back into the bedroom. Asher is lying in my bed with the sheets just over his waist, his work clothes are draped nicely over the chair in the corner of the room. He’s still wearing his t-shirt. God he has to be the nicest man on the planet. Climbing under the covers, I get a quick glimpse of his black boxer briefs.
    “G oodnight, Asher,” I say nervously.
    He rolls over to me and Lucy gives a sigh. She gets up and lays by me feet. He kisses my neck sending shivers down my body.
    “G oodnight, Willow.” Laying his front tight to my back, he intertwines our fingers and rests them on my hip.
    “Yeah, sweetheart?”
    “Thank you.”
    “It’s my pleasure.”
    Falling asleep with Asher’s warm heat pressed against my back and our fingers laced together fills my heart. It is filled with love and peace. It’s a feeling I have never felt before.
    Falling asleep with Willow felt like one more piece of my heart was being put back together. I didn’t feel like I was cheating on Olivia at all. All of my previous doubts and feelings of betrayal went away th e last time I talked to Olivia.
    Waking up the next morning, we had at some point switched positions. Willow was pressed up against my side with her arm draped over my stomach, her head rested on my chest, and her leg tossed over my thigh. I hold her tight with my arm around her shoulder. She is still asleep, I kiss the top of her head not wanting to move. It’s just so comfortable and it feels so right. She sighs softly and squeezes my stomach.
    “Sorry, did I wake you?”
    “No, I was already awake. I just didn’t want to move, I’m so comfortable.”
    “I was just thinking the same thing, but I need to get going. I need to go home first and change before going to the office.”
    “ Mmmm right, just five more minutes.” She tightens

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