Sylvia's Torment (Enforcers and Coterie Book 2)

Sylvia's Torment (Enforcers and Coterie Book 2) by Veronica Del Rosa Page A

Book: Sylvia's Torment (Enforcers and Coterie Book 2) by Veronica Del Rosa Read Free Book Online
Authors: Veronica Del Rosa
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    His steady gaze unnerved her.
    Reaching out, he placed a plastic bag on the bed. One of her t-shirts rested on top, folded neatly and with care.
    “At your place? No, no I can’t do that. I have to go home.” How could she get on with her life?  How could she possibly get over her crush on him if she saw him on a daily basis in his home?
    “You’re coming home with me, and that’s final. No arguments. Or did you hand in your resignation as Beta while I wasn’t looking?” He arched an eyebrow, looking intimidating and impossibly sexy at the same time.
    Damn, he had a point.
    He was her Alpha. She couldn’t refuse his orders without a good reason, and even then, she’d have to go in front of the Coterie to explain herself. It wouldn’t go over well if she told them she didn’t want to stay because she was afraid she’d have her wicked way with him.
    Stuck with no polite way to back out. Damn.
    “Fine. I’ll come home with you,” she grumbled, sounding ungrateful and childish but unable to stop herself.
    She swung her feet over the side of the bed, grabbed the bag full of her clothes and muttered about bossy men. Making sure to hold the back of the gown closed, Sylvia stomped over to the bathroom, grateful her muscles held her upright. Lack of exercise and proper nutrition coupled with constant torture had left her still feeling shaky. The doctors were correct when they said her body hadn’t suffered any lasting damage.
    Her mind was another matter.
    Gently closing the bathroom door, she leaned on it.
    Calm, she needed calm. She opened her eyes and wished she hadn’t. The small bathroom reminded her of her prison, tight, cramped, no room, oh shit, she couldn’t breathe.
    Breathe, damn it, breathe. A low sob escaped before she firmly pressed her lips together.
    A knock at the door had her jumping.
    “Sylvia, are you okay? Do you need help?”
    She managed to stop the hysterical laughter from erupting. No, she didn’t want him helping her into her clothes. She’d rather help him out of his.
    “I’m fine. I’m fine, just give me a minute.” Geez, she needed to get a grip.
    Moving away from the door, she pulled clothes out of the bag. Bright purple t-shirt, dark skinny jeans, socks and, oh…a black bra and matching thong. Her cheeks flamed, embarrassment and excitement rushing through her. Had he gone through her underwear drawer? Had he pictured these on her when he’d picked them out?
    Dressing in a hurry, she tried to forget his hands had been on the small scraps of fabric that were now cupping and molded to her body. At the bottom of the bag was her favourite pair of sneakers, well worn and comfortable. He’d also thought to pack a small travel case with a toothbrush, toothpaste and a hairbrush. No makeup, though honestly, she didn’t care at this point. His thoughtfulness choked her up, and tears threatened to fall.
    She shook her head, wondering where all this weepiness was coming from. Three months they’d tortured her, and she hadn’t cried once. An Enforcer for decades, she had survived their training with nary a tear.
    She didn’t like the new “her”.
    Was there a complaints department, a refund policy to take advantage of?
    Facing her reflection in the mirror, she looked exactly the same. Bright red hair, wild and curly. Clear blue eyes with small flecks of green. A small, pert nose and pouty, dark pink lips.
    She squeezed toothpaste onto her toothbrush and scrubbed hard at her teeth. So much had changed inside her and not a single physical sign to show for it. Spitting out the paste, she rinsed her mouth and then splashed water on her face. The coldness helped to clear the cobwebs, and she felt more focused, able to face Derek.
    Steeling herself, she opened the door and stepped out. Her eyes locked on his face. He shuttered his expression and turned away from her. But the slight flare of his nostrils and the dilation of his pupils gave him away. A discreet inhale drew his scent

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