
Sybrina by Amy Rachiele Page A

Book: Sybrina by Amy Rachiele Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Rachiele
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    “ May I kiss you, Miss Sybrina?”
    Darkening irises show me the fire that burns under her skin.  She wants me, just as much as I want her.  Her entire body stiffens except her head, which nods very subtly yes .  I reach out my arm to caress her around the waist, hauling her close to me.  I stare into her eyes that are distinctly thirsty with need, using my hand to tip her head up and lean down, pressing my lips to hers.  My need is triumphant, reveling in the sensation, kicking away the blandness that tortures my spirit and replaced by sweet berries in springtime.  A flood of core memories stabs at the vibrancy awakened in me.  The touching and kissing become ravenous, stronger than bloodlust. Sybrina is wild with passion... for me.  My hold tightens and my hands roam, wanting more.  It is a feverish awareness that in all my long years I have never experienced.
    An alarm whirrs in the deep recess of my mind. Sybrina is fighting against me.  The cloud of passion pops like a boil.  Audible now is her struggle to be free of me.
    “ Stop!” she shrieks when her breath is her own again.  “Please!”  She forces her hands into my embrace and shoves fiercely.  I register it all—rejection and fear.  I release her immediately and she steps back with caution.
    “ Miss Sybrina!”  Mouse has come from whatever hole he has occasioned to occupy.  His stance is wary and defensive.  “Miss Sybrina?”  His call to her is transformed into a question.  She moves closer to him without turning her back to me, a wary action.  “Miss?  Are you ready to return to your cabin?” Mouse asks, his inflection deliberate and telling.
    Sybrina ’s voice is shaky when she responds, “Yes, please.”  She turns to him. I stare at her, her back facing me as she walks away with the boy.
    Repudiation thick and foul settles into my immortal heart; shame is bound with shackles tightening my chest.  I will not be able to think of this moment without self-loathing for the next one thousand years.

Chapter 9
    I did not see the minister for the entire next day.  I shoved a chair against my door knowing full well that his strength is powerful and a meager chair would not stop him if he wished to get me, but it made me feel more secure nonetheless.  Mouse and Mr. Tinker have stopped by to see me a few times today; even Rufus took a turn to check on me.  Mouse told me that Michael has inquired after my health.  He is a nice man; I wonder idly how his arm fares. 
    Mouse noticed my barricade and questioned me as to my safety.  I assured him that it was just a precaution. His face showed a sincere concern for my well-being.
    It has been a few days and it is unfair. I paid the same amount and have the same ticket for my voyage as the other passengers that are below.  It is time to leave behind the comforts and traverse back to where I belong.  Mr. Overton, Michael, Helen...  I look forward to seeing them.
    My body is in a continued state of healing since my ailment and I feel better physically every day—until last night. Bruises line my arms and I am sure that if I had a Cheval mirror, I would see marks on my back as well.
    I tidy the room and fold the blankets, although nothing gives my mind any occupation.  The puzzling ordeal of the night before tangles my thoughts into a turmoil I cannot reason.  I have no doubt that I truly have a fond affection and desire for the minister.  His eyes haunt me and I want his company, but this other side, the demeanor displayed when in a clinch , was alarming and painful.  My current state of mind, grief over the loss of my family, despair, imprisonment, and the fear of my demise by the same fate as my family—being stalked and hunted like an animal—is too much to bear.  Solace and comfort were welcomed when offered by the minister.  I have never felt such a consuming passion for anyone.  The dolts that have pursued me in the past had not the minister’s

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