you’ve been living around other Trylle for awhile.”

    “I am not a troll,” I insisted fiercely. “That doesn’t even make any sense. It doesn’t… So I’m angry and different. Most teenagers feel that way. It doesn’t mean anything.” I combed through my hair, as if to prove it wasn’t that wild. My fingers got caught in it, proving his point rather than mine, and I sighed. “That doesn’t mean anything.”

    “I’m not just guessing here, Wendy,” Finn informed with a wry smile.
    “I know who are you. I know you are Trylle. That’s why I came looking for you.”

    “You’re looking for me?” My jaw dropped. “That’s why you stare at me all the time in school. That’s how you knew where I lived and how you found my bedroom window. You’re stalking me!”
    stalking ,” Finn looked at me defensively. “I’m tracking you.
    I’m a tracker. It’s my job. I find the changelings and bring them back.”

    Of all the major things that were wrong with this situation, the thing that bothered me the most is when he said it was his job. There hadn’t ever been any attraction between us. He had just been doing his job, and that meant following me. He was stalking me, and I was only upset about it because he was doing it because he had to, not because he wanted to. I really wanted to throw up.

    “I know this is a lot to take in,” Finn admitted. “I’m sorry. We usually wait until you’re older and are starting to have signs on your own. But if you’re already using persuasion, then I think you need to head back to the compound.
    You’re developing early.”

    “I’m what?” I just stared up at him.

    “Developing. The psychokinesis,” Finn said like it should be obvious.
    “Trylle have varying degrees of abilities. Yours are clearly more advanced.”
    abilities ?” I swallowed, thinking of the dazed look on Patrick’s face. “Do you have abilities?” Something new occurred to me, twisting my insides. “Can you read my mind?”

    “No, I can’t read minds,” Finn replied.

    “Are you lying?” I pressed uneasily.

    “I won’t lie to you,” Finn promised.

    If he hadn’t been so attractive standing in front of me in my bedroom, it would’ve been easier to ignore him in the first place. If I hadn’t felt this ludicrous connection with him, I would’ve thrown him out right away. As it was, it was hard to look into his eyes and not believe him. But after everything he had been saying, there was only one conclusion I could come to.

    “Then you must be insane,” I swallowed hard.

    “Wendy,” Finn sounded exasperated. “You know I’m not lying.”

    “I do,” I nodded. “You believe everything you’re saying, which means you’re insane. And after what I went through with my mom, I’m not ready to let another crazy person into my life. So you have to go.”

    “Wendy!” He was in complete disbelief.

    “Did you really expect any other reaction from me?” I stood up, keeping my arms crossed firmly in front of me, and I tried to look as confident as I possibly could. “Did you think you could treat me like shit at a dance, then sneak into my room in the middle of the night and tell me that I am a troll with magical powers, and I’d just be like, yeah, that sounds right? And what did you even hope to accomplish with this? What were you trying to get me to do?”

    “You’re supposed come with me back to the compound,” Finn said, defeated.

    “And you thought I would just follow you right out?” I smirked to hide the fact that I was really tempted to do that. Even if he was insane.

    “They usually do,” Finn replied in a way that completely unnerved me.

    Really, that answer is what completely lost me. I might have been willing to follow his delusions because I liked him a lot more than I should, but when he made it sound like there had been lots of other girls willing to do the same thing before me, it was kind of a turn

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