Switch - a full length bdsm erotic novel

Switch - a full length bdsm erotic novel by Clarice Clique

Book: Switch - a full length bdsm erotic novel by Clarice Clique Read Free Book Online
Authors: Clarice Clique
you?’ It was as if she was asking him a question he couldn’t hear. They’d rearranged their “dates” lots of times over the years, normally by text; why did it sound as if she was asking permission now?
    A message flashed up on the screen from Wickedgirl. Dean longed to read it, but he averted his eyes and tried to concentrate on his fiancée.
    ‘If you have to work, Hel, it’s no problem,’ he said. ‘You know that.’
    ‘But I mean if you’ve gone to a lot of effort, I can get my work done another day. It won’t matter if I don’t do it right now.’
    Dean chuckled. ‘You know what my spag bolls is like. The effort is in eating it, not making it. You’re better off at work.’
    ‘OK. OK. If you’re sure you don’t mind. If you don’t want to see me tonight.’
    ‘We’ll see each other on Sunday, I’ll manage a few days on my own.’ He’d meant it to be light, but had it come out too hard, too real?
    ‘Sure. See you at church, Dean. Bye.’
    The phone went dead.
    Had he offended her? He hadn’t meant to.
    He looked at the screen. He hoped he hadn’t blown it already; last time they spoke Wickedgirl had told him off for taking too long to reply.
    He read her message.
    Wickedgirl: How has your day been, slavetothee? Are you still looking for a mistress?
    He thought about every word, but then remembered she’d already been waiting for his answer while he was on the phone.
    My day’s been fine. Thank you very much for asking. Dean took a deep breath before he continued typing. In all honesty, though, mistress, I’m a little confused.
    Her response was almost instantaneous. How so?
    The mistress I have served in the past called me to serve her again yesterday. We had an amazing time, but then I haven’t heard from her today and I’m not sure if I did anything wrong.
    Dean felt strangely relaxed and natural telling this woman he knew nothing about how he felt.
    Wickedgirl: You’d know if you did anything wrong. She would have told you, or you would have sensed it. Did anything happen like that?
    Dean typed his instant response. No. It was amazing.
    Wickedgirl: Then I suspect you’re worrying about nothing.
    It’s because she blocked me before and then got back in touch. I don’t know quite what she wants from me.
    Dean was surprised how he could articulate things with this person, whether they were male or female. Perhaps it was easier typing into a screen than meeting someone. He thought of Helena and their stilted conversations.
    Wickedgirl: You’re the sub. Your duty is to serve. You don’t need to concern yourself with what your mistress wants from you unless she tells you.
    Do you think I should wait for her to contact me again then?
    Wickedgirl: Send her a nicely composed message, email, letter, whatever, telling her how much you enjoyed being with her and how grateful you were that she gave you some of her precious time. And then you wait. It’s essential that you don’t bother your dom; you mustn’t pester them otherwise you’ll annoy them and appear desperate. You should always be obedient and patiently awaiting their pleasure.
    Dean smiled as he read through her words several times. Thank you very much for your advice. I can see you’re full of grace and kindness. If my mistress hadn’t got back in contact with me I would have considered it an honour to serve under you.
    Wickedgirl: You must be true to your mistress. You belong to her. I see why you were on this site and contacted me when you were lost and lonely, but now she has decided to reclaim you, all thoughts must be on her.
    For a moment Dean stared at the screen and wished that Mistress Crimson hadn’t contacted him again. But this woman had told him clearly that his duty was with the person who had been kind enough to claim him.
    Still, he couldn’t stop himself replying. I feel a connection with you. I haven’t felt this with anyone before, and so quickly. If my mistress ever decided she doesn’t want me, would

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