Sweeter Than Wine
make sure they are safe
and watch the noise control. A lot of my job consists in checking
for disease control, I'm like a pest control worker at times. If a
certain area of the forest needs burning, I let my superiors know.
Sometimes we get the dirty job of notifying tourist that they can't
have a campfire in certain areas, that's my least favorite part.
Fire control is the biggest thing though and it's a full time job
too. Especially during the tourist season. I guess I was lucky
getting off this time of year to vacation. It's one of the worst
    "I never realized there was so much to your
job, but it still sounds like a lot of fun. So how did you manage
getting off at this time of year?"
    "Actually, it's late summer when things
really get bad, it's hotter, more tourists then, and more fires.
Actually, I got off by not missing work a day. And asking for this
particular time when no one else would." He smiled, "I like my job.
It's better than sitting behind a desk all day, that's for
    Work reminded her of the reality of the
situation and she couldn't stop the loneliness that assailed her at
the mention of getting back to a routine, back to Texas, away from
him. A job she had once loved now seemed so unimportant to her. It
was as though these past few days had completely changed her life.
Yet the reality was she didn't belong here.
    "At least you enjoy it." A tremulous smile
wavered over her lips.
    "Most of the time, yeah, but it has its
moments too," he shrugged as his expression grew more serious.
    "I guess we'll both have to be getting back
soon," she said, her eyes going around the room, not daring to land
on him.
    "Let's don't rush it," his voice lowered to a
husky tone as he leaned the distance to kiss her.
    "What are we getting into Sam?" she whispered
when his lips moved to her cheek.
    "I don't know. I know I should stop, but you
look so cute, with your feet folded under you and relaxed. I guess
we should use our heads and not go there, huh?" he countered,
kissing her quick and pulling away.
    "It'd be wise," she cried the anguish showing
on her face.
    He nodded. "Maybe we should go out."
    "A walk through the woods would be nice," she
countered. "I used to walk every evening. It's great exercise."
    "Okay, but stay close," he warned.
    The air felt terrific as they started up an
old tracked path. He held her hand, tightly, feeling an awkwardness
that wasn't there before.
    Suddenly Sam stopped his body tensed.
    "What's wrong?" Lacey asked, feeling the
tension in him rising.
    "I smell smoke," he sniffed.
    Lacey sniffed, but still didn't smell
anything. "I don't smell anything."
    "You will, come on," Sam insisted. He pulled
her as he quickly began climbing up the hill. Lacey kept up but
wished she'd had hiking boots instead of tennis shoes.
    In a few minutes she began to smell it too,
and told him.
    He nodded his attention riveted, "It's coming
from over on that ridge. Look, Babe, you should go back to the
cabin and I'll take care of it. I won't be long."
    "I will not. I'm going with you!" she
insisted clasping his hand tighter.
    "Honey, sometimes the campers are a little
rough around the edges. I'd feel better if you'd go back." Sam
    "I wouldn't. I want to be with you, Sam. I'd
just worry."
    Elated by her loyalty, he smiled, "Remind me
to tell you how much I like you worrying about me."
    "I will, now kiss me and let's go," she
demanded, as she pulled his head down to hers and kissed him.
    It was almost too much. It sidetracked him.
He wanted her here and now but it was neither the time nor the
place. He envisioned them on the earth's floor, making love. And he
groaned as his body echoed the same sentiments.
    He pulled away, breathless, "Don't do that to
me when I have to take care of something."
    His voice sounded tense.
    "Why?" she asked innocently.
    "Because it makes me forget everything else,
that's why." His gaze was like a caress.
    She chuckled. "Okay, that's enough for

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