Sweet Sins

Sweet Sins by Madison Kent

Book: Sweet Sins by Madison Kent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Madison Kent
game. I’d feel like I was shoved into one of those jack-in-the-box things. I’d feel like an idiot trying to be that kind of person.”
                  “I know my rebel boy, my hard to tame guy. You are truly unique, that’s what I love about you. You are like no one I have ever met before. I wouldn’t want you to be any other way but sometimes I hope we can at least visit that other world.”
                  He smiled and hugged her and she wasn’t sure if that was a yes or a no but happy that they were going.
                  She loved him without bounds but could see their differences manifesting themselves and hoped their love would transcend life’s difficulties.
                  The boys asked about their new buddy constantly and when they would see him again. She was grateful for this small victory. She prepared for Saturday and wanted to be beautiful and deliciously sexy. She was aware of the female admiration that followed him everywhere they went. Woman would grab him as they struggled through crowded nightclubs and they would whistle at him. It was flattering to her but terrifying that these women were waiting on the sidelines just hoping for a chance with him.
                  She decided on a black dress, cut in a seductive V both in front and back. Adorned with a sparkling collar at the neck, the dress gathered at her midriff with an array of crystals. Appraising herself in the mirror, she piled her hair up on her head and added a platinum clip. She finished the look with sheer black nylons adorned with tiny sparkling rhinestone hearts on one side of the leg. She was pleased with this look and felt that Adam would love it.
                  Her energy level seemed to be soaring through the roof. Barely able to sleep, she found she still was not tired. Every minute counted now that he was in her life. The staircase to the stars was right outside her door. She was determined to walk on every red carpet that was anywhere in reach of her feet.
                  Saturday found her breathless and hurrying to meet him. When he opened the door, her eyes absorbed every detail of him. He wasn’t wearing the double breasted gray suit she had thought he would wear but instead had on a sleek black tailored suit. He was dazzling—pure babe. She would stand in line for his autograph, she thought.
                  “Arianna, you’re a dream, every guy’s fantasy. I don’t even want to touch you; you look like you just walked off a cloud. Turn around.”
                  She moved without speaking, excited by his words.
                  “You’re something tonight. I have always thought you beautiful, but tonight, you’re a goddess.”
                  “Me, thank you for saying that but, it’s not me everyone will be looking at but you.”
                  “I wanted to surprise you, to do something for you and….,” he pointed to the corner of the parking lot. Awaiting them was a black stretch limo, her chariot.
                  “Yes, yes, yes!” was all she could shout out in her joy.
                  Bartholomew’s’ was almost an hour drive and she could savor every minute of it with him. It was an exclusive restaurant with clientele from everywhere, listed as one of the top 100 eateries in the world. They had to make the reservation weeks in advance to get a table. Tonight they would be elite, just for the moment. If she could have him for a lifetime, she would have the world in her hands. While waiting for their table in the shadowy swank waiting room, they held hands and talked of life’s possibilities.
                  “Everything seems to be working out for us,” he said. “We should start making plans for the future, don’t you think?”
                  Startled at his loving words she responded, “Yes, I would

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