Sweet Is Revenge

Sweet Is Revenge by Victoria Rose

Book: Sweet Is Revenge by Victoria Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Rose
while we were in the city, I hired somebody to come and kill your family… Well, not your family, just your mom actually," he said quietly. I was stunned into silence. It's like my whole world was crashing down, the picture perfect vision of last night was completely destroyed. While I was really into making love with Decklin, in the back of his mind was he thinking about the people he'd sent after my mom? Did he think because he'd had sex with me that I wouldn't   care   if he killed her? And the question at the forefront of my mind was   why   would he want to do that? He didn't answer any of my silent questions though. He didn't do anything. He sat there, looking defeated and withdrawn.
    And why the heck was he still alive? My dad was very overprotective of his family, he wouldn't sit there and be asking for a calm explanation from just anybody. Decklin should be getting the shit kicked out of him. So there had to be a reason. Some background maybe? I was so confused. "Explain," I said. "Not just Decklin, but you too Dad," I looked over at him. He had an unreadable expression and was staring at Decklin, but not like he wanted to murder him. Empathy? I could tell he was pissed, but he could also see things from Decklin's point of view. But see   what   exactly? I growled low in my throat. "Somebody fucking talk!" I yelled.
    "I killed his father," surprisingly it wasn't Decklin or my dad who had spoken. It was my mom. She had never been soft spoken, so it surprised me to hear the tenderness in her voice. I stared at her, but she too was staring at Decklin.
    "W-w-why?" I stuttered. She sighed.
    "Do you ever wonder what I do for a living Lillian?" Came from my father. I nodded. "I kill people, there's no nice way to put it. I never wanted to tell you. I never planned on it. I wanted to protect you from the truth. A very long time ago there were a group of friends. Five of them. They were poor and greedy. They wanted riches so they got them any way they could. They made a game out of it at first, seeing who could top who in what they got. But it wasn't a game for long. They turned on each other. All of them. Greed came before friendship. So they started groups-" he said.
    "Like the mafia or something?" I asked. He sighed.
    "Yeah, something like that. And so now there are four groups, the weakest one got killed off. Your mom and I were from two opposing groups. She happened to get assigned to," he hesitated momentarily, "kill me," he finally said. "Only after killing my heart though. Decklin's father was her boss. He wanted her for himself though. He never imagined that Delilah would fall in love. I found out about it when I got my assignment to kill her. I was pissed, I was betrayed by the one person I ever truly let into my life . I was going to leave her, I couldn't make myself kill her. She begged me to stay and I wasn't going to listen. But then she told me she was pregnant with you and Brian. I didn't believe her, but I had to know.
    "Obviously, she was telling the truth. So we were on the run for months. Finally Derek, Decklin's father, found us. He was going to kill me, kill Decklin's mother, and take Delilah as his own," he shuddered then. "But she tricked him. And we took him to your Uncle Brian's place, and well…" He trailed off.
    "You murdered him," Decklin finished. "Which in turn killed my mother. She literally died of a broken heart. I guess now that I know the full story it doesn't matter does it? She was dead either way. I was four years old, like I wouldn't remember my own mother. Like I'd ever take Delilah as a mom. I loved my mom. She wanted me to get revenge, she knew she wouldn't be around to do it. So I promised her. I never go back on my promises. This will be the only exception," he ended softly. He was so defeated.
    "So I searched through Frances' things and found the information he'd been keeping about you guys. I packed my things, got in my car and drove. I was going to weasel my way into your

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