Sweet Downfall

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Book: Sweet Downfall by Eve Montelibano Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Montelibano
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familiar voice.
    Her heart slammed hard in her chest. “Oh God…!”
    “It’s Jaq! He’s here! They’re gonna kill him!”
    She stopped walking and stood there, her limbs shaking. Her mind was shouting in mounting panic.
    Jaq? Here?!
    “Angie, come on, let’s go!”
    Sherry shook her arm, pulling her back to reality and dragged her to the front door.
    The commotion was coming from the driveway of their mansion.
    They burst through the front door.
    Angie was greeted by a scene straight out of a movie flashback. The movie about her life.
    Jaq was being held on both arms by their bodyguards. Rad was aiming a gun in his face at close range, while Ram and their father looked on.
    That fateful day some eight years ago was right in front of her again.
    “ Kuya Raaaad! Noooo!” she screamed in horror.
    They all looked at her.
    “Get back inside!” Manolo shouted.
    But her fear for Jaq’s life was greater than her fear of her father. She ran down the steps and crossed the paved walk toward them. “Let him go, Dad! Please, let him go!”
    Lord, this couldn’t happen all in one day! But it was. Fate must really hate her today.
    Ram clamped his hand around her arm, hard. “We’re just teaching him a lesson. Get back inside.”
    She struggled to get away but Ram was so strong. “ Kuya Ram, please!”
    Sherry ran to their father, crying. “Dad, please, don’t hurt him! Please!”
    Manolo exhaled deeply and gestured to the bodyguards.
    They let go. Jaq fell to his knees on the ground.
    Angie stared at him. Their paths had never crossed again all these years. Then all of a sudden, he burst into her life again like a meteor, exploding in all directions, turning her world upside down.
    Jaq slowly stood up, wiping his bleeding nose with his hand.
    Their eyes met.
    His eyes were blazing with hate, but what she felt was freezing coldness, immobilizing her where she stood.
    “Wow, finally, a reunion with the entire Yulo family. How lucky can I get?”
    “Shut up!” Rad snapped at Jaq.
    “Hey, Angie, cheer up! We’re famous! Resurrected from the dead! Ain’t that grand?”
    She wished the ground would open up right that minute and swallow her whole. She felt like a woman of the lowest morals. She couldn’t face Jaq like this. She wasn’t prepared.
    “Just let him go, Dad,” she said softly and turned around.
    Her tears fell the moment she turned her back on them.

    Jaq watched her retreating figure with ambivalent feelings. Seeing her again after all these years was like getting hit by lightning.
    The shock was staggering.
    “Don’t ever come near any of our property again, Montero. You won’t like what we’d do to you next time,” Rad warned him.
    As if they hadn’t done enough damage to him already. Rad was the funniest shit. “If you touch any of my property again, I’ll kill you.” He really meant it, too. Enough was enough.
    “First you accuse us. Now you’re threatening us?”
    “No, I’m telling you, Rad and you better take it seriously. You think you’re the only one who has connections? Who knows how to play dirty? You think your money can save your ass all the time? Lemme ask you, do you wear Kevlar twenty-four seven?”
    Rad visibly paled, but it was gone in a flash.
    “You’re not invincible. Nobody is. We all die. In the end, the only thing that will count is who pulled the trigger first and who hit the mark.”
    Rad was speechless.
    “So if you want to kill me, do it now, because if not, you’ve earned yourself a death wish. Any day could be your last, too. Remember that.”
    Jaq clashed stares with them, making them feel the depth of his hate.
    “Get out,” Manolo rasped.
    Jaq smiled and gave Rad a full right swing to the jaw.
    The fucker dropped to the ground like a fallen tree, his eyes losing focus.
    Guns were drawn again, aimed at him.
    “Don’t fire!” Manolo shouted, spreading his arms to stop his bodyguards. The old man rushed to his son’s side and took the gun from Rad’s

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