Sweet Downfall

Sweet Downfall by Eve Montelibano Page A

Book: Sweet Downfall by Eve Montelibano Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Montelibano
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You didn’t even find the video when you ransacked my house. That’s your only evidence and ill-acquired evidence don’t count in court. What’re you gonna do, old man?” he taunted.
    Manolo clenched his jaw, his eyes burning with hate. That’s right, old man, hate me. Hate me as I hate you.
    “You will regret this.”
    “I won’t regret anything, Yulo. My conscience doesn’t stoop that low. Unlike you.”
    “You fuck! You’re lying!” Rad snarled.
    He turned to Rad. “Why would I would waste my precious time lying for your stupid ass? I was minding my own business all these years and you came to my house, destroyed my property and you expect me to just stand back and watch?” He shook his head. “Not this time.”
    Rad whipped up a gun and pointed it at him.
    He stared at the barrel and didn’t even blink. He spread his arms, challenging Rad. “What, you gonna shoot me in broad daylight? Go ahead. I’m sure the public will welcome new shit from the Yulo clan. That will be prime time news for ages. You ready to spend life in jail?”
    Rad bared his teeth in a feral smile. “We can say you trespassed. I can kill you right now, Montero.”
    “Aah, come on, Rad, put it down if you don’t have the balls to fire it.”
    “You fuck–!”
    “Don’t be nervous. One bullet and we’re both going down.”
    “Put the gun down, Rad,” Manolo said.
    Gnashing his teeth, Rad lowered the gun to his side.
    Jaq smirked at Manolo.
    “Let’s cut the bullshit here, Montero. You’re the only one who would benefit from leaking that video,” Ram cut in.
    He turned to Ram. This one had a cool head. “What benefit are you talking about?”
    “Money. Publicity for your movie.”
    He exhaled a short laugh. “Are you kidding me? I work for DreamWorks.”
    “You’re from showbiz. Of course you want publicity. Anything to sell your shit. You and your shit-loving kind get off on it,” Rad said with contempt.
    For his profession to be insulted by this dumbfuck who probably hadn’t woken up even a single day in his life worrying about money, it really stung. “You know nothing, Rad. All you do is talk and threat and blow fucking smoke because you’re here in your territory surrounded by your bodyguards. Try going out of this mansion on your own. You think you’re the only one who knows how to pull the trigger?”
    Rad’s face looked mottled now. He opened his mouth to say something but shut it again.
    He’d had it with these motherfuckers. They had all been the bane of his life since he had the misfortune to fall in love with a member of their family.
    On second thought, whoever leaked that damn video did him a great favor he could give the bastard’s ass a big wet kiss. Looking at his Yulo nemeses all worked up and worried about their fucking reputation, he felt a kind of perverse joy. The scandal sure knocked these pompous asses right off their bloody high horses.
    He addressed Manolo Yulo again. “As for the profits, I wish I was making some. But you gave me an idea. I own the original copy of that video and the director’s cut. That’s where all the juicy stuff is and if you’d bothered to watch the video, your daughter was quite a willing participant in it, old man. I didn’t rape her, you know,” he emphasized the last words with a sneer. “I could have used that as evidence eight years ago.”
    Rad lunged at him.

    Angie was roused by the non-stop knocking on the door. She had locked herself in her bedroom the whole morning, even skipping lunch. The events that transpired earlier today had completely shook her life to its foundation.
    She left the bed and opened the door. Her younger sister was outside looking frantic.
    “Angie, come! Hurry!”
    “Sher? Why?”
    Sherry grabbed her arm. “Come on, let’s go!”
    They ran to the hallway and descended the grand staircase. Loud voices wafted from the front entrance. She recognized her father’s voice and her brothers’ and someone else’s.

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