Sweet Beginning

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Book: Sweet Beginning by V. M. Holk Read Free Book Online
Authors: V. M. Holk
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it. The waitress comes, takes our order
and fills our cups with coffee. Ted looks at me, smiles and continues talking
to Dave. Wyatt pops into my head, a frown comes across my face. 
    "Are you okay?" Jaylah whispers into my ear. 
    "Yeah, just to many thoughts in my head right
now." I whisper back. 
    I have to stop thinking of him, there is nothing there. Then
my mind wanders to Kyle, I can't believe he did that to us. I know our marriage
is over, but he should of at least respected what we had. He has been talking
and texting her since he started his job at the airport. I am sure it started
off innocent, but turned into what ever it is now. I am shaken from my
thoughts, to Ted rubbing my arm.
    "Penny for your thoughts, beautiful?" he asks. 
    I shake my head, "I was just thinking about my
daughters, I miss them. Sorry."
    He gives me a serious look, "You have nothing to be
sorry about. I miss my son all the time. I know how you feel."
    Jaylah interrupts our conversation, to ask what everyone's
plans are for the day. The guys had plans to go to the "Hockey Hall of
Fame." So we all decide we will meet back up for dinner tonight. I grab
the bill for breakfast, before the guys and pay. Ted comes up to me and gives
me a kiss.
    "I will see you tonight." he says.
    "Ok, see you tonight." I smile back at him.
    Jaylah comes and puts her arm around my shoulder, "So
you little slut, how was your night?" she says, laughing. 
    I punch her in the side, "It was fucking AWESOME,
JayJay. Now I know what  I was missing."
    She smiles at me, "Oh my god, I might have created a
    While we are walking to our room, she tells me a little about
her night. My mind is not completely in the conversation. It was a great night
of sex, but I keep thinking of Wyatt. I really have to get that man out of my
    "Hey woman, are you listening to me? Or you thinking
about your stud muffin?"
    We both laugh, "Yeah, sorry. Hey lets have ourselves a
spa day and some swimming, before we meet them for dinner."
    She gives me a smirk, meaning she isn't buying my diversion
in the subject. But thankfully, she knows me so well and drops it.
    "Sounds great to me, toots."
    As we settle into our seats on the train, I can't believe
how fast the weekend went. I am so glad we went and  I truely enjoyed myself. I
let go, for the first time in a very long time. I feel this weekend has brought
me closer to healing. 
    We loved the spa and the pool. We went shopping and enjoyed
not having any responsibility's for a couple of days. I made sure to buy the
girls some souvenirs, Jaylah got them something too. I bought my dad a magnet,
he has collected magnets from all over since I was a kid. He has them all lined
up in his work space in the garage. I also, picked up a maple leaf dog toy, for
    Each evening we met up with Dave and Ted for dinner. We went
dancing again and one night we all went swimming. Each night I spent in Ted's
arms. He was a great lover and made me feel special. We would all have
breakfast together each morning. 
    Before we left, Ted and I took a walk. Jaylah and Dave went
to his room one last time. We didn't walk far, being so cold out. We stopped at
a coffee shop and talked for awhile. Ted really was a sweet guy and I enjoyed
my weekend with him. We exchanged numbers and wished each other the best. We
kissed one last time, a very hard passionate, "Don't forget me"
    Jaylah nudges me, "We are almost here, darlin',"
she says with a smile. 
    I nod back at her. I can't believe I sat here staring out
the window, thinking for almost three hours. The train comes to a stop, we
collect all of our belongings. We get off the train and head to our car. We
have everything loaded and start driving home. 
    "Back to reality." I say.
    "Thanks again for my Christmas present, I really
enjoyed our weekend."
    "It was nice just letting go and not worrying about
anything back home. I can't believe I had a fling with Ted. It almost seems
like a

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