
Swap by Jenesi Ash

Book: Swap by Jenesi Ash Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenesi Ash
    â€œIt’s okay, Jamie,” Mia said, resting her hands on her shoulders. “You don’t have to do this. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable about anything.”
    Okay, now the world had gone mad. When Mia was trying to soothe Jamie about sex, she had lost control of the situation completely. Jamie rubbed her tired eyes, knowing she had to regroup.
    She wasn’t afraid or uncomfortable with bondage, but she liked to keep it to a minimum. If a guy tied her up, he was inevitably testing this luck. Aidan was no different from any other man in Clover Bud.
    But what was she worried about? Aidan wasn’t smarter or stronger than she was. Jamie knew she could handle him with her hands literally tied behind her back.
    â€œOkay, Aidan.” She rubbed her hands together. “Let’s do it.”
    â€œNow?” Mia asked, obviously surprised by her attitude change.
    â€œNo time like the present,” Jamie said with a shrug. “Would you like to undress me?”
    â€œNo,” Aidan said coolly. “Mia will.”
    â€œWhat?” Mia said. It was obviously news to her. “I thought . . .”
    â€œIt’s no big deal, Mia,” Jamie said. “You’ve helped me in and out of clothes in dressing rooms.”
    â€œYeah, but...” Her voice trailed off. She cleared her throat and rolled her shoulder back. “Okay, sure.”
    Jamie felt jumpy as Mia stood behind her, and she flinched when she felt her friend’s hands on her waist. Mia grabbed the hem of Jamie’s T-shirt and inched it above her abdomen and ribs. Jamie kept her eyes defiantly on Aidan. Once her shirt went over her breasts, Jamie raised her arms, and Mia pulled it free.
    She felt Mia hesitate. Was Mia trying to decide how to attack her front-closure bra? Rather than going around and blocking Aidan’s view, Mia reached around Jamie and unhooked the bra.
    Jamie shivered as Mia’s arms went around her. Mia and she had hugged before, but this was different. The sight of Mia’s delicate hands next to her voluptuous breasts was startling.
    Mia slowly peeled the bra from Jamie’s breasts and allowed the shoulder straps to drop down her arms. Jamie wished Mia would touch her breasts. She would be happy if Mia’s hand brushed against her tightening nipples. But Mia was being very careful not to touch her. Jamie shrugged off the bra and heard it drop to the tile floor.
    Mia was already hooking her fingers around the waistbands of Jamie’s shorts and panties. She worked them down Jamie’s legs. Jamie decided not to help Mia or make it easier for her friend. She stood still and continued to watch Aidan.
    The man was playing it cool. There was no tension, no shifting of his feet. One would think he wasn’t turned on by the sight. But what man didn’t want to see his girlfriend strip her best friend naked? How often did his girlfriend prepare another woman for him to play with?
    Aidan could play it anyway he liked, but she had seen his eyes. They were hot and smoky with lust. He was just as aroused as she was. Now if only she could see Mia’s expression. Was her friend getting turned on? Was Mia getting excited undressing her? Jamie wanted that to be the case.
    â€œLie on the table,” Aidan said the moment Jamie stepped out of her clothes.
    She bristled at the order. “I’m getting there.” She knew what was expected of her. She’d do it when she was good and ready. Did he like the sound of his voice ordering commands?
    She perched on the edge of the round table, surprised at how cold it felt against her skin. Jamie slowly reclined, jerking still when she felt Mia’s hand on her shoulders. Her nipples stung with anticipation, but Mia was only guiding her down gently.
    Once Jamie’s head touched on the wood table, Mia reached for her arms. She stretched them above Jamie’s head and held her wrists firmly against the table.

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