
Surviving by A. J. Newman

Book: Surviving by A. J. Newman Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. J. Newman
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Maria shot into the air. Suddenly they saw flashes and bullets were hitting all around them. They fell to the ground and Maria landed on the rear guard’s body.
    • • •
                  They ran as quietly as possible towards the rest of their friends, while Bill and Steve were helping Alice and Janet. Beth led the way. After what seemed to be an eternity, they broke into a clearing and almost ran over top of the rest of their group. It was pitch black by this time, but Gus checked everyone over and asked about Roger.
                  “He gave his life saving us,” cried Janet.
                  Bill was holding Alice and not paying much attention to his wife. Bill took his jacket off and wrapped it around her. Steve was helping Janet and Janet was glaring at Bill.
                  Gus looked at John and whispered, “I don’t know if I want to know why Bill isn’t holding his own wife.”
                  John replied that Steve did not appear to mind that he was comforting another man’s wife right in front of him.
                  They quickly filled each other in on the results of the ambush, which by all accounts had been very successful.
                  Gus started with his brief account of their accomplishments. “One enemy dead and we grabbed one M-16, a 9mm and about 100 rounds for the AK-47 and 3 – 16 round clips for the 9mm."
                  Scott followed with one enemy dead and one AK and a 9mm captured. He thought they had about 120 rounds for the AK and three full clips and a partial for the 9mm.
                  John followed up by pointing at the ladies who they had freed and told them that he thought they might have killed one or two with the bomb, but could not be for sure.
                  They then reissued the weapons.
                  “Gus, you take an AK, you are the only one here that won’t shoot all the rounds up in one burst. Scott, you take the other AK, and move the selector off of fully automatic.”
                  “I’ll take the .38, if it is ok with you, I used to shoot my Dad’s old .38 when I was a kid,” requested Bill.
                  Gus said, “Yes, that’s okay with me. Steve, Jim and I will take the three 9mm handguns. Hey Jim, you take your Hawken, we just about forgot about it. You have one shot… err rock, to scare the hell out of somebody.”
                  “Janet, how many thugs were in their group before the ambush?” Steve asked.
                  “There were nine men and a woman,” she replied.
                  “Well we have cut them down by two known kills and several must have been wounded by our little bomb,” Gus added.
                  “I think the bomb did a lot more damage to those bastards than we had hoped. I’m sure that most of them were hit by shrapnel and gravel. It may have taken some of the fight out of the assholes,” John said.
                  “I’ll lead the way, and I will do a hell of a lot better job than their point man did,” Gus exclaimed.
                  Gus was already pushing them to move on and get away from the GAO while they had the chance. They gathered their possessions and headed south; still with the idea of finding the road that, they had seen on their inbound flight. It was very difficult to make any time in the dark; they kept tripping over vines and logs. The brush was very dense and everyone was scratched to hell and back by sticker bushes. After about an hour, John halted the group and asked Jim and Scott to backtrack a few hundred yards and see if anyone was following them. By now, it was 10:15 p.m. and black with no moon or stars.
                  “Gus, while the lads are checking our backside, why don’t you find us a place to spend the

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