Surrender to Me
feared was a critical time in their new marriage.
    He had to do everything in his power to keep that distance from becoming permanent.
    After settling his plane ticket, Hunter searched for a decent cup of coffee. He reached Kata’s voice mail once more with a curse, then he made another call he’d rather not . . . but one that might help his cause.
    “Raptor,” Hunter’s pal and commanding officer, Andy Barnes, barked into the phone after the first ring. “Aren’t you on leave, Lieutenant?”
    Since being promoted a few months back, Andy had become like a label-conscious shopaholic, only his addiction of choice was rank. He was still in the phase where he liked to remind himself— and everyone else—that he’d moved up to lieutenant commander, as if he was verbally pinching himself.
    Hunter rolled his eyes. Andy had worked hard for the promotion, overcome his family’s less-than-stellar reputation in the navy to earn it. The promotion had first come Hunter’s way, and Andy had been completely mind-boggled when Hunter had turned it down. But desking it wasn’t his speed. He’d rather take an M-1 Tactical blade to both wrists before subjecting himself to a shitload of paperwork. “Yes, sir.”
    “How’s that shoulder? Healing up?”
    “Pretty well. I’m following doctor’s orders and continuing my strength training regimen.”
    “Never doubted that. So why are you calling? The world isn’t falling apart without you. At least not yet.”
    “Glad to hear it. I called to request permission to extend my leave, sir.”
    “You don’t report until oh five hundred next Sunday.”
    “I’m aware of that, but I have a situation that requires more time.”
    Andy paused. “What aren’t you telling me? Shoot straight.”
    Fuck. Not that it was any of Andy’s business, but if he was going to hook Kata up with all the benefits of being a SEAL’s wife, the news would come out. “I got married yesterday.”
    “ You got married?” He whistled. “Seriously? That’s something I thought I’d never see. You’ve been married to your team for nearly half a dozen years. Is she pregnant?”
    Hunter gritted his teeth against Andy’s implication. “No.”
    “Is she navy?”
    “Civilian.” And Hunter itched to end this conversation so he could find her.
    “I didn’t know you were seeing anyone that seriously.”
    Hunter hesitated, and Andy drew out the silence. Damn, if Hunter wanted this leave, he was going to have to spill his guts. “I wasn’t. I met Kata yesterday.”
    “And you met and married her on the same day?” Andy’s question sounded calm, but Hunter knew it was a façade. Barnes didn’t like outside interference in his SEALs’ lives, and this likely had him broiling inside.
    Ah, hell . “I’m crazy about her, Andy.”
    “I always knew you were decisive, but damn.” His buddy blew out a long breath. “I’ll need some info on her so she’ll be eligible for your benefits. I can start the ball rolling while you’re on leave, save you the time.”
    Nice of him, but Hunter supposed Barnes was softening the blow in case his leave couldn’t be extended. “Katalina, maiden name Muñoz. She turned twenty-five yesterday.” Thanking God he’d had the foresight to look at her driver’s license and memorize her address, just in case, he rattled it off to Barnes.
    “Got it.”
    “Look, I need extra leave to settle this situation so I can return rested and focused.”
    Andy scoffed. “You want extra leave to fuck her brains out. Damn it, Raptor. I don’t suppose it would do any good to tell you this is irresponsible and stupid?”
    “No. Sir ,” he added quickly.
    Hunter sometimes forgot to treat Andy like his CO. But ol’ Barnes liked hearing it, and this was one situation in which following protocol might help.
    A gate agent in a nearby lounge made an announcement over the loudspeaker, and Andy pounced. “You’re in the airport. Pretty sure of that leave, huh? Where you

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