Surrender to Fire: Maison Chronicles, Book 3

Surrender to Fire: Maison Chronicles, Book 3 by Skylar Kade

Book: Surrender to Fire: Maison Chronicles, Book 3 by Skylar Kade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Skylar Kade
taken her months to get used to once again had her on edge. Eager to get out, she pulled up an app on her phone and booked a last-minute stay at a hotel within walking distance of the office.
    Once that was out of the way, she moved into hyperdrive, throwing all her weekend clothes into the hamper before packing two days of clothes into the empty suitcase. Within twenty minutes, she was out the door and driving away from her compromised home.

Chapter Nine
    By Wednesday morning, Damien was crawling up the walls of his office. Yes, he’d been drowning in work for the new Kingman project—they’d gotten the offer Sunday night, right after he got home from his weekly family dinner—but he still froze every time his cell phone rang, hoping it would be Camille.
    No dice. Since he had another demonstration on Friday at a club in San Diego, he needed an assistant, stat. Jax and Lara had offered him the names and numbers of some local subs who’d be more than happy to help, but he wanted Camille. He kept telling himself she was the perfect submissive to work with because of, and only because of, her expressive reactions. The audience at Maison Domine had been more effusive and engaged than any before.
    It was for the sake of education. It had nothing to do with waking up every night from dreams of her, hand wrapped around his dick and two pulls from coming all over his stomach. In his dreams, he’d taken her every way he’d wanted to and in a few positions and settings so deviant they nearly fried his brain. He even caught himself daydreaming instead of focusing on his work. He’d stare out across the Los Angeles skyline until it blurred and he instead saw Camille’s silky, black hair fanning around her delicate elfin face.
    That decided it. He needed closure on this if he had any hope of having a productive workday. He emailed Kat, explained the situation—though leaving out some sensitive details—and asked if she had Camille’s contact information. He didn’t think Kat would release anything to him, but it was better than sitting there with his thumb up his ass.
    The hour between sending the email and getting her response was, like the rest of his morning, a total waste. After the first twenty minutes, Damien abandoned his desk completely, taking his phone and a stack of PA applications to the broad leather chair in the corner. He weeded through the applicants, finding seven that required more follow-up attention than he could muster.
    When Kat’s email pinged his inbox, he jumped up from the chair, scattering papers all over the plush navy carpet. He ignored them and pulled up her email, then sighed in resignation. She offered to call Camille on his behalf, but wouldn’t give out her information. He respected that, even if it didn’t suit his current needs. If only Maison Domine had an online Rolodex…
    Fuck, he was an idiot! He dug through his work bag until he found the business card he’d stuffed there Saturday then promptly forgotten about. Before he’d left for Derek’s, he’d seen Camille’s purse spilled over on the counter, with its contents all over the countertop. A business card had been on the edge of the mess, just begging him to take it. He’d sworn not to call her. He wouldn’t pursue this relationship, business or otherwise. It set a bad precedent, but he was a desperate man.
    Her phone number wasn’t listed, just her name and job title: Cam Verona, Junior Literary Agent, Finnick Literary Agency . The name sounded familiar, but he couldn’t place it. Still, it was a start. He hopped online, hoping her contact information would be listed…but it wasn’t. Not even her name was on the website, though those of other junior agents were.
    How odd. Maybe it was out of date, but he wasn’t ready to throw in the towel yet. He called the general number he found online, then asked for Camille. The welcoming voice on the phone turned frigid. “And you are?”
    What the hell? “I’m a friend from

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