Surrender to Desire
kisses. His hand seared a path down her abdomen and onto her thigh.
She held her breath and waited. Please, touch
me! I want you so much. And she knew he wanted her because his cock was
hard against her bottom. She thrust into it with silent invitation, relishing
in his low groan.
    When his fingers began to explore her pussy a scorching
current surged through her blood. “Good morning, beautiful.” His tone was
raspy, his breath warm and sending a shiver down her spine.
    “Good morning.” Callie began to squirm from Blade’s teasing.
His exploring finger was making feather light circles against her flesh, moving
over her pussy lips but not dipping inside, where she wanted him. She lay there
panting, wondering how she got to be so lucky to find a man like Blade.
    “Ask me,” Blade whispered against her ear, his rotating
finger finally dipping into her pussy but avoided her throbbing clit. “Ask me
to fuck you, Callie.”
    He thrust against her, pushing his hard-on between the crack
of her ass. The thought of him there, being so close to that particular
forbidden spot, made her crazy. She’d never let Donald take her in the rear.
The thought had never appealed to her. But with Blade, the image of his
monstrous cock sliding in and out of her anus made her pussy leak with intense
    She whimpered and lost control, pushing her butt against his
cock and balls. Blade groaned low, dipping his finger deep inside her pussy and
manipulating her clit with his thumb at the same time.
    “You’re already wet for me,” he groaned hungrily. “You’re
little clit is as hard and smooth as a pearl.”
    Blade’s words drew the excitement from Callie’s body. Her
hips began to thrust against his sweet invasion. She wanted him to fuck her,
long and hard. She wanted his cock inside her now.
    “Fuck me, Blade, please!” she whispered, with a mix of pain
and pleasure in her tone. “I need you inside me. I want your hands on me, your
    Callie suddenly found herself flipped onto her back. Blade
climbed on top of her and kissed her roughly. Passionately. Holding nothing
back. And as their mouths worked against each other, their hands explored,
discovered, and gave pleasure. By the time he entered her body Callie was
consumed with lust. She bowed wildly and clenched her muscles, holding his cock
    But she couldn’t hold him for long. He was too strong for
her. He withdrew from her body, only to slam forward again. Blade did this over
and over, kissing her, touching her, possessing her body as well as her soul.
Callie opened herself up and gave him everything she had to give, until their
breaths mingled and their heartbeats became one, as they strained to reach the
vital consummation of gratification.
    “I love you!” she cried, as waves of ecstasy throbbed
through her and she was tumbling over the edge. Her body jerked with her
release, convulsing beneath Blade uncontrollably. It wasn’t until the tremors
calmed that Callie realized she’d spoken the words out loud. Her eyes flew
    Blade had stopped moving, and was holding himself taut above
her, barely breathing. There was a spark of some indefinable emotion in his
eyes as he stared down at her. Shock, disbelief? It was hard to tell. Was it
too late to take back what she’d said? Or pass it off as a joke?
    Then he began to move again, harder and faster. Their gazes
clinging when he reached orgasm. He slammed his mouth down onto Callie’s,
filling her body with his seed. She closed her eyes, unable to meet his gaze
any longer. It was just three little words, said in the heat of the moment,
maybe he hadn’t heard her. But when Blade quietly moved off her body she bit
her bottom lip to hold back the tears of hurt.
    He settled next to her, releasing a heavy sigh. What a mess! Why did I have to go and fall
in love with him? And then tell him? Deciding to let him off the hook of
having to address an awkward comment, Callie took the coward’s way out

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