Super Immunity

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Book: Super Immunity by Joel Fuhrman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joel Fuhrman
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the year or only when ill, is not likely to be effective for well-nourished populations with excellent zinc stores already. Those on vegetarian-style diets that are not ideally designed to include sufficient seeds and beans, and those on diets with low calorie intake, should consider taking a zinc supplement on a regular basis (if it is not in the multi you’re already taking).
Vitamin D
    Vitamin D is unique: it is more like a hormone than a vitamin and is not readily found in our food supply. That’s why it is often called the sunshine vitamin. It has been suspected for centuries that declining sunlight during winter months could be a factor promoting increases in infections including influenza during the winter. A study done in 2006 with children who were given vitamin D and exposed to the influenza virus documented a reduced incidence of viral respiratory infections in the wintertime. 33 This suggests that vitamin D sufficiency may reduce infection to viruses via its ability to modulate the immune system, increasing the effectiveness of major immunity players, including macrophages, neutrophils, monocytes, and natural killer cells. These results have been supported by other studies that show an increased risk for acute lower-respiratory illness in people with low vitamin D levels; additionally, vitamin D deficiency has been associated with an increased risk for influenza. 34 Clearly, it is prudent to avoid vitamin D insufficiency. Maintaining adequate levels of vitamin D year-round is an important part of achieving Super Immunity.
Elderberry Extract
    Black elderberry juice is widely used to treat colds and the flu. Studies suggest that black elderberry extract (2–3 tablespoons daily for adults and 1–4 teaspoons for children, depending on age) can inhibit the growth of influenza viruses and shorten the duration of influenza symptoms, while enhancing antibody levels against the virus. 35 Even though the studies are preliminary, the evidence suggests that these berries have beneficial properties to enhance the body’s defense against viral infections, particularly influenza. 36
    The main flavonoids present in elderberries are the anthocyanins; cyanidin 3-glucoside and cyanidin 3-sambubioside have been identified to increase the defensive function of monocytes against viral-infected cells. More interestingly, elderberry has been demonstrated to inhibit the adhesion of the virus to the cell receptors. When the virus is inhibited from entering cells, it cannot replicate itself, and this can lessen the seriousness of the infection.
    Anthocyanins are colored red, purple, black, or blue and are found in berries, eggplant skins, currant and grape skins, cherries, and black rice. Anthocyanins also account for the therapeutic potential of tart cherry juice, which is helpful for inflammatory conditions for the same reason. The small bluish-blackish elderberry is not a sweet-tasting fruit, but when you concentrate it as a liquid syrup or juice, you get a high concentration of these colorful pigments, making absorption more significant than from plain berries. This is one of the few remedies that is safe and very likely has some efficacy without being toxic.
Reviewing Recommendations for Preventing/Treating Illness
    The bottom line is that while powdered fruit and vegetable supplements, 37 multivitamins, 38 and other health remedies—even garlic and vitamin C or E—may show some benefits in those with deficient or marginal intake of antioxidants and phytochemicals, the best and most effective way to prevent illness is with comprehensive nutritional adequacy maintained all year (following the dietary and supplemental recommendations contained within this book). An improved diet is more effective than any of these specific cold remedies.
    Almost every family has their favored remedies and advice. From eating chicken soup, to wearing cloves of garlic around the neck, to wearing warm hats, you probably learned

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