Sunshine's Kiss

Sunshine's Kiss by Stormy Glenn

Book: Sunshine's Kiss by Stormy Glenn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stormy Glenn
Tags: Romance MM, erotic MM
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    Sam’s steps slowed as he realized he was right. He wasn’t a Lycan, and he would never be able to understand just what exactly it meant to be one. If he wanted to stay with Jesse and be accepted by his pack, he needed to man up and just deal with it. That wouldn’t mean he had to give up freaking out every now and then because he had no doubt that he would.
    Sam tugged on Jesse’s hand until the man stopped walking and turned around to face him. “You need to shift, but kiss me first.” Jesse stared at him for so long that Sam started to get nervous. Maybe he should have kept his mouth shut.
    “Sam, I don’t—”
    Sam stepped forward and pressed his finger against Jesse’s lips. “Please?”
    Jesse looked indecisive for about two seconds, and then he lowered his lips to Sam’s. Sam’s heart beat out of control as he sank into the kiss, hoping it wasn’t the last one he’d ever receive from Jesse.
    His heart rate didn’t get any slower when Jesse lifted his head and then slowly stepped back from him. His gray eyes swirled with darkening colors as the transformation from human to Lycan took hold of his body.
    It was slow at first, as if Jesse was letting Sam see every little change that happened. Dark brown fur sprouted up along Jesse’s skin. Sharp teeth dropped down in his mouth as it slowly elongated into a muzzle.
    His body became larger, thicker, and taller as bones cracked and muscles stretched. Two pointed ears popped out of the top of his head, and a long, thick tail grew behind Jesse. Sam’s breath hitched in his throat when Jesse was finally done. His clothes hung on his frame in tatters.
    Sam swallowed hard and moved closer, holding his hand out and praying it wouldn’t be bitten off by the sharp canines in Jesse’s mouth. He jolted when he heard a low rumble from Jesse’s chest and then felt soft fur brush over his hand as Jesse rubbed his face against him.
    Jesse stood eerily still as Sam started stroking his hands over his neck and down to his furry chest. Sam was amazed by the softness of Jesse’s fur. He had the sudden insane urge to rub his naked body against it.
    It became blaringly apparent how much larger Jesse was in his Lycan form now that they stood next to each other. Sam’s head barely came up to Jesse’s nipples. His body seemed twice as wide and several inches taller than normal. The span of his shoulders alone was more than half that of his entire human body.
    In a word, Jesse was huge.
    Sam tilted his head back and looked up. Dark gray eyes stared back down at him. When Sam reached up, Jesse surprised him by dropping to his knees. Sam chuckled lightly. Even on his knees Jesse was as tall as he was.
    It became easier to touch Jesse’s Lycan form each time he did it. By the time he had stroked his hand over Jesse’s entire face and moved back to the ears twitching at the top of his head, Sam had no hesitation in his movements as he gently stroked up their full length to the pointed ends.
    “Hey,” Sam whispered softly as he grabbed both sides of Jesse’s muzzle and looked into the eyes he knew so well, even if they were filled with an unusual apprehension. “I know those eyes.”
    Sam squeaked when he suddenly found himself with an armful of human male instead of Lycan. Before he could catch his breath, Jesse’s face was buried in his chest and the man’s arms wrapped around him, squeezing any remaining air out of his lungs.
    “Jesse,” Sam gasped, “can’t breathe.”
    The arms around him loosened enough for Sam to breathe again, but they didn’t release him. Jesse wouldn’t lift his head from where he had it buried in Sam’s chest, either. Sam leaned the side of his face against the top of Jesse’s head and stroked his fingers through Jesse’s short dark brown hair.
    Sam grew concerned when he felt Jesse shudder against him. He quickly looked down to where the bloody cloth had been wrapped around his arm. It was loose now and hanging around his

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