Summer of the Geek

Summer of the Geek by Piper Banks

Book: Summer of the Geek by Piper Banks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Piper Banks
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aspirations to become a model weren’t as frivolous as I’d first thought. In fact, I felt a little ashamed of myself that I hadn’t believed in her, and resolved to be more supportive from here on out.
    “You look beautiful, sweetheart,” Dad said.
    “Thanks,” Hannah said. She looked up at her mother, who had remained silent. “What do you think?”
    Peyton drew in a deep breath. “They’re very good,” she finally said.
    “Really?” Hannah was delighted. “You like them?”
    “Yes, of course. But we’ve already talked about this,” Peyton said. She folded her arms over her bony chest, clearly bracing herself for battle. “You’re not running off to New York to model. You’re going to get your education first.”
    “Peyton, you should hear her out,” Dad said.
    “She’s my daughter, Richard,” Peyton said sharply.
    “Don’t worry,” Hannah said quickly. “I’m not dropping out of school, Mom. And I’m not moving to New York.”
    “See? That’s good. Nothing to worry about,” Dad said.
    Peyton shot him the sort of look that would have turned my blood to ice. She was clearly not pleased with my dad’s input. “Then what exactly are you proposing to do with this portfolio?” she asked.
    Hannah drew in a deep breath, squared her shoulders, and said, “I want to audition for some local modeling jobs. Jackie talked to an agency in Miami that’s agreed to represent me, and they said there are lots of opportunities for models in South Florida. I want to try it, just for the summer. You know—see if I get any work, see if I’m any good at it, see if I like it.” Hannah spoke quickly and earnestly, looking hopefully at Peyton. “I promise I won’t miss any school, once it starts,” she added.
    When Hannah finally finished, there was a long silence. Dad, Hannah, and I all looked at Peyton. She stood perfectly still, arms still folded across her chest, and stared at her daughter.
    Finally, Dad spoke. “That sounds like a reasonable plan. Don’t you think, Peyton?”
    “You’re not going to Miami by yourself,” Peyton said. “It’s not safe.”
    “You can come with me on every job,” Hannah said. “In fact, you sort of have to. The agency requires I have a chaperone because of my age.”
    “And you’ll check with me first before you accept any jobs?” Peyton said, hedging.
    Hannah beamed, sensing that she had already won the battle. “Of course!”
    Peyton sighed. “Okay. You can try it for the summer.”
    Hannah let out a high-pitched squeal and threw her arms around her mother. Peyton hugged her daughter back, and her face relaxed in a rare smile.
    “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Hannah said, hopping up and down in place.
    “But only for the summer!” Peyton cautioned. “When school starts back up, you’re going to focus on your studies. This year is your last chance to get your grades up before you start applying to colleges next year. Deal?”
    “Deal!” Hannah said. She gave her mother one last hug. “I have to go call Jackie and tell her!”
    Hannah dashed from the room before she saw her mother’s expression sour at the mention of Jackie’s name.
    “I don’t like the influence that woman has over Hannah,” Peyton complained. “She’s the one who’s putting all of these modeling ideas into Hannah’s head.”
    “Don’t worry,” Dad said. “I think you’re doing the right thing.”
    Peyton let out a bark of humorless laughter, and turned on him. “Don’t worry? Why would I worry? My daughter wants to pursue a mindless career that chews up and spits out girls like her by the dozen. Do you know what kind of lives these models have? They’re out all night partying and taking drugs. Most of them are washed up by the time they’re twenty-five.”
    “Hannah has a good head on her shoulders. And you’ll be there with her,” Dad said.
    “For now! What about in two or three years?” Peyton asked, her voice rising.
    Dad held up his hands, palms

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