Suddenly Sam (The October Trilogy)

Suddenly Sam (The October Trilogy) by Heather Killough-Walden

Book: Suddenly Sam (The October Trilogy) by Heather Killough-Walden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Killough-Walden
gems. It was all black.
    Who are you? Logan wondered, her mind spinning, her stomach tightening, her mouth going dry.
    “May I have this dance?” the stranger asked.
    A rush of heat rolled through Logan, so hard and sudden, her lips parted and her eyes widened. She could almost hear the sound of flames crackling to life inside her. His voice was reminiscent of the very night. It was the sound of its indomitable shelter and universal majesty.
    It was the deep, smooth, and crisp embodiment of audible bliss, as deep and as dark as the rest of him. Say something else , she thought hopelessly.
    He offered her his hand , a perfect hand with long graceful fingers, and held the gentlemanly pose, a patient smile on his beautiful, perfect lips.
    She caught the scent of masculine spices, of sandalwood or something similar… she couldn’t place it , but it seemed an almost Machiavellian assault on her senses as it reached into her and further fanned the flames that were already burning her up.
    Who are you? Was he another visitor to October Land? A wizard? A warlock? Henry and Mabel had hinted that there were sometimes others. Perhaps this visitor knew more about October Land than she had when she’d been pulled in. Maybe he came here often.
    Maybe she could ask him. If only she could find her voice.
    When his patient smile spread into a bright white grin of amusement that lit a gray diamond of merriment in his beautiful eyes, Logan realized he was waiting for her answer.
    S he nodded. It was not the most suave response she could have mustered, but it’s what happened.
    The man chuckled, and more wonderful light reflected in his endlessly stormy eyes – and more fire licked at her insides. She reached up to place her hand in his and tensed, knowing that his touch was going to be a sort of undoing.
    It was.
    He took her hand, meeting her half way. He was warm and dry, and his fingers wrapped around her own with slow finality. Power coursed through her hand and into her arm. It rushed over her skin like pleasantly electric snakes, racing over her until it covered every inch of her body. Encompassing her.
    She took a breath, and it shook.
    His smile became devilish. He turned, and with gentle but firm insistence, he walked them both out onto the dance floor.

    Chapter Sixteen
    Don’t do it , a voice in her head firmly told her. Don’t let Shawn do this to you. You’ll lose everything. You’ll be stuck here forever. You’ll be stuck drinking blood – ew – and never, ever taste coconut cream pie again.
    “Where is he?” Meagan asked, trying to stall the vampires who’d just given them the ultimate ultimatum. “How can we be sure you’ll let him go if we agree?”
    “Sorry, little witch,” Shawn replied. “You’ll just have to trust us on that one.”
    “No deal,” said Katelyn firmly, putting her hands on her hips. Her jaw was set and her hazel eyes flashed with defiance.
    Very brave , thought Meagan. But then she noticed the white knuckles on her friend’s hands and realized she must be squeezing them hard to keep them from shaking. Very, very brave.
    “Shawn, you… you have to throw us a bone. You’re asking a lot of us. You’re asking everything!” She tried to sound as sure as Katelyn, but was unsuccessful at keeping the tremor out of her own voice. She’d always been a terrible liar. “At least tell us where he is. Let us see him for ourselves so we know you haven’t already killed him.”
    Her reasoning was perfectly sound, but she doubted the two monsters before her were going to agree.
    It didn’t matter though. What she was really trying to do was buy time.
    “Oh, I’m afraid that won’t be possible,” said Shawn.
    “Why not?” demanded Katelyn.
    He turned to look at her, and Nathan chuckled.
    “Because,” Nathan said, “we have killed him. In a manner of speaking, anyway.”
    Shawn looked back down at Meagan as her world started to t ilt. “What you have to decide, Angel Eyes, is how many

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