Suddenly a Bride
    “Weird.  Not bad , but weird.”
    She took his boots and socks and set them on the sand by her sandals.  “We’ll come back for these.” Taking his hand, she led him to the water.  “On a war m day, few things are better than cool water lapping at your feet.” When they reached the water, their feet sa nk int o the sand.  Glancing at him, she asked, “What do you think now?”
    “Wet and weird.”
    She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck so she co uld pull him in for a kiss.  He brought his hands to her waist and gave her a light squeeze as she deepened the kiss.  A thrill shot through her.  Even better than a walk alo ng the beach was a kiss shared with a man.  Sighing in contentment, she asked, “And now?  Is it still weird?”
    “I’m warming up to it,” he admitted with a sly smile.
    He pulled her closer and kissed her again.  “Yeah.”
    She glanced around the beach and noted they were far enough from others so she gave him another kiss, this time pressing her body against his.  Her skin tingled in delight.  She loved being close to her new husband .  “ There’s no reason why we can’t enjoy a walk along the beach.  It’s one of my favorite activities.”
    “Is it?”
    “Yep.  And there’s no one else I’d rather do it with.”
    A wide smile crossed his face before he kissed her.  “I don’t care what we do as long as we’re together.”
    Laughing, she joined him in walking down the beach.  “Yeah, well, just wait until you meet my family.  You might change your mind.”
    “Why?  Are they mean?”
    “No, n ot mean.  But they’ll be shocked to learn I got married and probably give us a hard time about not having a wedding.  Heck, they’ll wonder why I didn’t even mention you.”
    “How could you?  You weren’t told I was coming.”
    “I know, but I don’t think they can handle the fact that you’re from another planet.”
    “I don’t think most people on this planet would be ready for that.”
    “Right.  So we’ll just tell them we met at the diner where I work and got married.”
    “That’s the truth.”
    “It is.  And it’s all they need to know.  Deal?”
    Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he pulled her closer and kissed her cheek.  “Deal.”
    Smiling, she snuggled up to him and walked along with him, enjoying the nice sunny day on the beach.

Chapter Ten

    T hree weeks later, Caitlyn knew she couldn’t put off seeing her family anymore, and they’d want to see her new husband so she gathered all the courage she could muster and invited him along.  On the drive into Fort Walton, she kept fiddling with the radio stations.
    “Is something bothering you?” Chris asked, reaching for her hand before she could change the station again.
    With a sigh, she squeezed his hand and smiled.  “Oh, it’s just been awhile since I last saw them.” That part was true, but it wasn’t the full story.  Though she’d told them she got married, she didn’t tell them how she met Chris.  Boy, would they flip if they knew the detail s!  “Remember, don’t mention you’re from another planet, okay?”
    “I won’t.  You can trust me.  I won’t say or do anything to make them suspect I’m from another world.  Besides, we have some great news for them, don’t you think?”
    Noting his excitement, she couldn’t help but grin.  The pregnancy test confirmed what he’d been telling her ever since that day he said she conceived a child .  He claimed he could feel the new life forming in her womb, but she shrugged it off as his hope to have a child until she missed her period a week ago.
    She still couldn’t understand how he just knew she was pregnant.  The connection established by the bond was something he was more sensitive to than she was, but she reasoned it was because she was from Earth.  Females who once inhabited his world likely knew as soon as they conceived.   Her parents, no doubt, would

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